

A book reading by four Bangla writers would have hardly attracted a crowd anywhere in India except in Bengal. And yet they more than held their own at Edinburgh Book Festival last month...

Lahore Club?
Prime Minister
Mr and Mrs Dutt, Memories of our Parents

Bangla Quatrain
A book reading by four Bangla writers would have hardly attracted a crowd anywhere in India except in Bengal. And book signing? Naah! But when British Council took Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Bani Basu, Nabarun Bhattacharya and Selina Hossain to the Edinburgh Book Festival last month, they more than held their own in the litfest of 600 authors, including Margaret Atwood, Ben Okri, Ian Rankin, Hari Kunzru and David Davidar. And—eat your hearts out, all ye IWE!—there were impressive lines of readers who wanted their copies signed by the Bangla quartet.

Wood To Paper
If Rahul Dravid is not yet history, he certainly likes reading history. The last book he bought (during the England tour) was Ramachandra Guha’s India After Gandhi.
