

So why did Jaipur litfest withdraw their invite to Taslima Nasreen who was one of the first to have accepted? Any explanation other than cold feet?

A Book In Everyone

The Tortoise Way?
India-born Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People may have made it to the Booker shortlist, but a recent UK survey gives him a more dubious distinction. Sinha’s book about the Bhopal disaster is the slowest-selling novel on the Booker shortlist: it has sold only 1,189 copies, which won’t even get him into the Indian bestsellers’ list. But the good news: it’s sold five times better than before he got into the shortlist (231 copies).

You Are Not Invited
It looks like the Jaipur litfest is getting cold feet over taking on controversial authors. Taslima Nasreen was one of the first writers to accept an invitation to the litfest early next year. But after Hyderabad, the litfest authorities withdrew their invitation to her, giving no reasons for their bad manners.
