

Are celebrity autobiographies palling, not just in India but at the Frankfurt book fair as well? Nevermind, but guess who's writing the latest in the Remember-Me genre...

All Ears Elsewhere
The Alchemy of Desire
The Alchemy

Back To The Cold
Are celebrity autobiographies palling, not just in India but at the Frankfurt book fair as well? The most talked about book at the fair last week was Roger Moore’s autobiography, My Word is My Bond. Moore turned 80 this year and is ready to write the story of his life, or rather, have it ghostwritten by his personal assistant, Gareth Owen. Bidding for the book opened at an ambitious one million pounds, but it predictably ended up unsold.

Tell-Tale Snarl
It’s not always about the money. The most recent entrant to the Remember-Me genre of autobiography is Deve Gowda. His ghost-written memoir, tentatively titled Three Hundred Days As Prime Minister, will be out soon in English and Hindi. Interestingly, Gowda waited until he was pushed into a political corner last fortnight before announcing—or threatening, some would say—that he would soon be publishing his memoir.
