

Ruchir Joshi's second novel and why Penguin proprietor Aveek Sarkar was busy issuing personal invitations for a party hosted by rival Random House

Inhouse Exchange
The Last Jet Engine Laugh

Quiet A Launch
It was one book launch where everyone, including the perennially late chief guest Sheila Dixit, reached on the dot at 6.30 pm. It was also possibly the only book launch where there were no speeches, only drinks and conversation. The venue? Khushwant Singh’s apartment in Sujan Singh Park, where he released Invisible City—The Hidden Monuments of Delhi by Rakshanda Jalil.

Now Who’s Chiki?
Talk of incest. Last week Penguin proprietor Aveek Sarkar was busy issuing personal invitations for a publishers’ party in Delhi. Only, the party wasn’t hosted by Penguin but its recent rival in the country, Random House, headed by his daughter Chiki.
