

Whatever his official biography may have done or not done for V.S. Naipaul's literary image, it has certainly thrust his biographer Patrick French into the Big Boys' League.

French Separation

The Bhutto Crypts
The best thing that happened to David Godwin at the Jaipur litfest was his meeting with Benazir’s niece Fatima Bhutto. She met him again last week in London on her way back from Cuba, when Godwin signed her on for her proposed memoir of the Bhutto family. Interest in the book was so huge at the London Book Fair that Godwin received at least four offers from Indian publishers. But he wasn’t in a hurry to sell at the fair. Instead, he is waiting to strike a deal with a UK publisher before he sells the rights here next week.

Soul Schezwan
India and China seem to be battling for world supremacy not just in economy but in bagging those big, fat advances at the London Book Fair. Macmillan has just paid a whopping £ 100,000 for a Chinese bestseller, Yu Dan’s Thinking of the Analects of Confucius, which despite its unpromising title was billed as the Chinese Chicken Soup for the Soul.
