

A party for women in publishing sounds like this sad '70s fringe thing, but it turned out to be the beginning of a Power Girls Club cutting across rival publishing houses...

Booked For Ladies

A Hullo From Tata
What does a publisher do when a textbook it commissions for undergrads turns out to be a lavishly illustrated cross between a coffeetabler and a history tome that overshoots its budget by several thousand rupees a copy? Turn to the Tatas, of course! The industrial house came to the rescue of Pearsons, agreeing to subsidise for budget-conscious college-goers a cheaper version of Upinder Singh’s luxuriously produced A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India.

All For Love
Desperate to sell books in a glutted market, publishers are resorting to new gimmicks—from T-shirts bearing the book’s title to sending freebies like a pack of matchboxes. The latest: a packet of condoms with AIDS Sutra’s advance publicity sheet.
