On The Racks

T.C.A. Srinivasa Raghavan
Goodbye to All That | Speaking Tiger

Being single, 29, and the commissioning editor for a big British publisher’s Indian operation is a dream job. Except that the protagonist’s dreamy, late ’70s existence in Delhi is buffeted by a sudden demand: find three best-selling authors in a year, or else…. So begins a hectic, reckless, comical adventure among the groves of academe. A sparkling debut suffused with the aura of old Delhi.


Swapna Liddle
Connaught Place and the Making of New Delhi | Speaking Tiger

“The planning of a city on what was...a tabula rasa was both an opportunity and a responsibility.” Painstaking care was taken by the British in the conception of New Delhi, and this book, equally thoroughly, charts its progress—a slow build-up, heated debates over style, the gathering of resources and the concrete gli­­­­m­­mers of majesticity. Speckled with atmospheric pictures, this is a minor gem.


Vivek Shukla
Gandhi's Delhi | Anuugya Books

In his itinerant natonalist career, Gandhiji travelled the depths of the vast subcontinent. In this book, a veteran journalist narrows the focus to Delhi and recounts, with anecdotal detail and some historical context, each of the Mahatma’s sojourns in Delhi, down to the places he visited (for example Jamia, All India Radio bui­lding)—from his first visit in 1915 to that fateful one in January 1948.
