
Christopher Doyle

CEO-turned-writer Christopher Doyle is the author of the bestselling novel The Mahabharata Secret. His new book The Secret of the Druids is a huge success.

Christopher Doyle

What exactly drives you to explore this genre?

I’ve always wanted to see if I could find scientific explanations for some of the fantastic phenomena that we encounter in the Mahabharata.

You confess a huge love for science fiction. Who is your favourite sci-fi author?

Isaac Asimov.

How much influence does music have in your life?

A very important part. When not with clients, I am humming a tune or listening to music.

Do you use any techniques to get your creative juices flowing?

I am usually so starved of time to write, so that when I get the time, the words just seem to flow.

What made you decide to start the Quest club?

I wanted to get closer to my readers and share with them my research and give them content for free.

Tell us about your new book.

The Secret of the Druids exp­lores several mysteries, including who the Druids were, during the invasion of Britain by Caesar. I have connected British/Irish myt­hology and history with the Mahabharata.

So how much do we know about the Druids?

We know much about them from ancient Greek and Roman writers, including Caesar, yet very little about who they really were.

You left your career to pursue a career in writing. How did you come to the decision?

I still run my firm to help companies who want to grow, and still work as a CEO coach. Writing is my passion.

Do you feel that Indians in general are reading more or is it a dying trend?

My interactions tell me that reading is not a dying trend.

What would be your advice to budding writers in India?

I would advise them to read a lot on diverse subjects.
