
Deepak Chopra

In Delhi for his daughters wedding, the New Age Guru shares his success mantra

Deepak Chopra
What is the secret of your success? Direct pipeline to American psyche or Ayurveda?
Marketing genius or saviour of the soul? Comment.
What's the essence of your teachings?
Your teachings haven't withstood the test of scientific rigour?
If doctors are only legalised drug pushers, are you a commercial peddler of Hindu mysticism?
If doctors are only legalised drug pushers, are you a commercial peddler of Hindu mysticism?
Have you oversold the-great-Indian-spiritual-experience that you are moving on to fiction, screenplays, verse, cutting music records?
Demi Moore, George Harrison, Donna Karan, Michael Jackson.... Do you seek them out or do they?
Why are your prescriptions of well-being only for the rich and famous?
How do you get embroiled in so many controversies? The latest one being about paying a call girl on your credit card.