
Hurricane Vaij

'Subha' is the nom de plume of not one but two authors: Suresh and Balakrishnan, who have been writing together since they were schoolmates

Hurricane Vaij
Subha is the nom de plume of not one but two authors: Suresh and Balakrishnan. This extraordinary writing partnership began when the two friends were schoolmates and continues to the present day. Since 1983, they have co-authored around 550 short novels, 50 longer novels serialised in magazines, more than 400 short stories, and a number of screenplays and dialogues for Tamil cinema and television. Most of their stories feature the spunky young couple Narendran and Vaijayanthi of Eagle Eye Detective Agency, along with their co-worker John Sundar. Suresh and Balakrishnan live with their families in adjacent apartments in Adyar, Chennai.



"Naren! Very, very urgent. Can you meet me at the domestic terminal at the airport? I have arranged for someone to meet you there. I am unable to come and see you directly at the Eagle Eye office. Please, please, please!"

Narendran could easily have ignored the phone call. But since Vaijayanthi had taken her mother to the homeopathic doctor, he had no company at the office. There was no good reason not to make a trip to the airport. And so, here he was.

But after five minutes of waiting, Narendran was already losing patience.

The television monitor was displaying a list of planes that were indefinitely delayed. The words "Check In" flashed in red, next to the number of a flight that would probably not take off for another several hours. Some bratty kid was pointing at the ceiling, screaming like an air raid siren for his mommy to get the chandelier down for him so he could play with it.

He felt something nudge his elbow. He turned. It was the arm of the person sitting next to him.

"Car number TN-O9-7611 is waiting for you outside. They’ve got your information," the man said, hardly moving his lips.

"And who are you?"

"You don’t need to know."

"I don’t make a habit of jumping into the cars of people I don’t need to know."

"Listen, I could tell you my name, but it wouldn’t be of any use to you. I’m here at the airport on a different errand. I was asked to give you this information. That’s all!"

Narendran got up, irritated.

In the car park, he found a green Fiat with the matching number plate.

He opened the rear door and got in. Despite what he’d told the guy, this was the third case he’d been on where someone had arranged to meet him this way. So he sat and waited. After a moment, the driver showed up, climbed in, and started the car. Narendran tapped him on the shoulder.

"I don’t have any answers for you," said the driver.

"I don’t have any questions. I just want a match, pal," said Narendran, a cigarette between his lips. The driver handed him a matchbox with his left hand. The car sped away from the airport.

Dragging deep on the cigarette, Narendran looked at the driver in the rear-view mirror. A square face, thick moustache, brutal brow, small scar next to the left eye—and a rudraksh tied around his neck, just visible above his top shirt button.

"Look, I’ll limit myself to really easy questions. Where are we headed?"

"To my employer’s house."

"And do you know your employer’s name?"

"You’re going to see him soon. Can’t you be patient till then?"

"Why don’t I try to guess who your employer is?"

"Think you can?"

"If I can’t figure out something that simple, what have I been doing working at Eagle Eye all this time?"

"Fine. Go ahead and guess."

"Your employer is Surya Shekar, the opposition leader."

"How did you know?"

"Well, you have a tattoo of the three doves, the party symbol, on your left wrist."

"Any party cadre member might have the same tattoo. He could be employed elsewhere, you know."

"Fair enough. But you also have a ring with the same design. I read in Dhinathanthi that Surya Shekar presented rings like that to 20 of his employees. Third page, second paragraph. Didn’t you read it?"

"You’re good."

"I’m good, eh? Think I’m as good as your boss? Or better?"

The driver didn’t answer that.

"What’s going on, anyway?"

"No idea, sir. I was told to wait at the airport for you and to bring you to the guesthouse. That’s all I know."

The car turned off at Nanganallur and took two left turns and three rights before heading through an empty field towards a bungalow. A watchman opened the gates.

There was a long cement driveway, with potted plants on either side.

The car stopped and Narendran got out. The roof of the bungalow was tiled in the Kerala fashion, with red Mangalore tiles. A string of brass lamps hung above the doorstep. The heavy teak door opened onto a huge, square front hall. And there he sat, slumped on one of the sofas: Surya Shekar.


"Come in, Naren!"

Narendran sat down in front of him. He had seen him often on television, and once in person, at the beach. The strength and pride that had seemed evident then were absent now. He looked scared and miserable.

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

"I imagine it’s a very big secret."

"My son has been missing since yesterday morning, Naren...."

"Arthreyan?" Narendran asked, surprised. "Arthreyan is a VIP. How can you be so casual about him going missing?"

"There are a few complicated issues, Naren. That’s why I wanted to see you in private."

A heavily mustached man brought two cups of filter coffee on a tray.

"Naren, what do you think of my son?"

"You want me to be honest? Or should I be careful, since I’m talking to the leader of a political party, and commenting about a son to a father?"

"You can be honest. Anyway, I know you don’t have any party affiliations."

"All right then. Arthreyan is a good-looking man. Still in his twenties. He has a young wife—it was a love marriage—and she’s pregnant now. He wanted to start his own business after finishing his engineering degree, but you pushed him into politics. He participates in party functions reluctantly. Still, the other senior members of your party are not too thrilled to see him join you."

"Not bad! You describe it like you were there watching."

"You’re having a rough time right now, because your party’s not in power. Otherwise, Arthreyan would have been able to gain even more popularity. Your party is striving to change the popular view that there are no educated people in politics. You were grooming Arthreyan to become your second-in-command. In the general executive committee meeting next week, you were hoping to get him elected to an important post. The media has already started talking about him as a potent political force. That’s why, when you tell me he’s gone missing, I’m surprised."

"I’m dying here, Naren. But even this, I have to hide from the public..."


"Why indeed?" Surya Shekar asked.

He rose from his seat and began pacing across the room. Narendran noticed for the first time how tall he was.

"Tell me, what’s my party’s main agenda?"

"Well, all the parties claim to have different agendas, depending on who they’re talking to. So I’m not sure what you mean."

Surya Shekar laughed aloud.

"Secularism; rationality; humanitarianism; atheism; never to trust a god-man. We make public pronouncements that the astrologers should be hacked to death..."

"Yes, I’ve heard them."

"But it’s not easy to be a disbeliever 24 hours a day, Naren."

Narendran kept silent.

"When I was in power, it was easy not to believe in any god. But since I’ve been chased out, I’m unable to place all my trust solely in other men.

"I am being honest with you, Naren. In today’s world, all anyone thinks about is how to outfox the other fellow. Politics is all about defeating your enemies. I’ve come to understand that man needs God to save him from himself.

"But I can’t say this publicly. I rip God to pieces on stage, and then apologise to Him in private at home. My daughter-in-law is even worse; she is a total believer, praying twice a day, fasting once a week. My son is a strong believer too. I had organised a special puja, to bless Arthreyan with a bright future. It took place in the ashram of Swami Dhayal, and lasted for three days. It was kept a complete secret. Nobody except my family knew about this. Yesterday my son left for the conclusion of the puja, at dawn. We gave the story that he was visiting a distant relative.

"At eight in the morning, while returning from the puja, his car met with an accident near Chengalpettu. The driver swerved to pass a stationary lorry on the road. He lost control and the car skidded into a nearby field and caught fire. A crowd gathered, and the police arrived. Only one person was admitted to the hospital, listed as injured: the driver. Not my son. Even when the driver regained consciousness in the hospital, he carefully avoided any mention of my son."


"Because Arthreyan was not alone in the car. A disciple of Swami Dhayal was accompanying him. If this fact becomes public knowledge, our political enemies will seize it and use it to tear us apart!"

"So you can’t make it public that Arthreyan is missing."

"Correct. But I must have my son back within two days, or else the executive committee elections will go on without him."

"Are you suspicious of anyone specific?"

"Yes! The ruling party! They could have engineered this so that Arthreyan would be absent for the party election. Most of my party members were formerly members of that party, and their loyalty can be easily bought back. But with my son in power, they won’t be bought off so easily. That’s why the ruling party is so scared about him taking over."

"Are you sure it’s the ruling party?"

"We can’t discount the possibility."

"What? Now you’re confusing me."

"Sorry. I spoke like a politician, didn’t I? I do suspect the ruling party. But I have no proof. If I go public, and then turn out to be wrong, it could turn against me."

"So you need my help to find Arthreyan?"

"And to be secretive about it," added Surya Shekar. "You name your price, and I will provide whatever other assistance you need."

"How much do the police know?"

"The car skidded while trying to avoid the lorry. The driver was hurt. Those are the only facts the police have on record."

"I’ll need to speak to the driver, and go to the site of the accident."

"Naren, if the ruling party is involved, then I can get political mileage out of this. But I cannot risk letting it slip that I am a believer."

"Who knew that Arthreyan was visiting the Swami?"

"My family, the driver, and my assistant."

"And within your family?"

"My wife, my daughter-in-law, and myself."

"I suppose I shouldn’t waste my time questioning any of them?"

"Of course not; there’s no way any of them would plot against Arthreyan."

"How do I reach you in case of an emergency?"

"I’ll give you my personal number. In case anyone else answers, though, don’t say you are from Eagle Eye. Give a fake name—Adalarasu."

The telephone rang. He picked up the receiver.

"What...? Keep it safe. Don’t speak to anyone about it. Wait there for me." He cut the phone call, and turned again to Narendran. "A new problem," he said.


"No, no... A letter has just arrived. They don’t know who dropped it in the mailbox. A strange and intriguing letter—it says Arthreyan will soon be the ruler of the nation! It says he needs time to be trained for the job, so we are not to search for him; he will return soon."

"Is it signed?"

"No. But the person who wrote it must know where Arthreyan is."

"Ask them to put that letter in a polythene cover, and to be careful not to smudge any fingerprints on it."

"And send it where?"

"To the Eagle Eye office."

"Naren... I’m worried. I sometimes think maybe I should go to the police about this."

"That’s entirely up to you."

Surya Shekar hesitated for a moment. "No, I trust Eagle Eye completely. My car will drop you off back at the airport."

"See you." Narendran got up to leave. The car was waiting.


"You must be the only woman in the world who checks her makeup before going in to see a patient," said Narendran.

"We should look our best when we visit sick patients, Naren. Our appearance should cheer them up. If we look sloppy, it might rub off on them, no?"

"Very true," remarked Narendran with mock seriousness. They entered the clinic. An old nurse wished them "Happy New Year", and guided them to the room where the driver, Samson, was recovering.

Walking quickly over the white glazed granite floor, and deftly avoiding a speeding stretcher, they entered Samson’s room. Laid out flat on his back, Samson turned his head to see them. There was a line of stitches on his jaw.

"How are you, Samson?" asked Narendran, sitting down at his bedside.

Samson looked at him and Vaijayanthi cautiously. His eyes rested longer on Vaijayanthi. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"We were sent by your employer. I wanted to check if your left hand was tattooed, but it’s bandaged."

"It was fractured. Are you Naren?"

"Narendran, yes."

"My boss told me to answer whatever questions you asked."

"Tell me exactly what happened yesterday."

"We left Mallithoppu at dawn..."

"Swami Dhayal’s ashram is in Mallithoppu?"

"Yes. We were coming down Chengalpettu Main Road. I was doing eighty kilometres an hour. There was a truck parked in the left lane. Just as I was overtaking it, another lorry came in from the opposite direction.

I swerved to avoid it and the car skidded off the road."

"Who was in the car then, along with you?"

"I was in front, driving. The young master and another man from the ashram were in the back seat."

"They were in the car when it overturned?"

"Yes. But when the car caught fire and people from the nearby villages came to pull me out, they said I was alone."

"Did the lorry stop? The one that ran you off the road?"

"No. It sped away. The lorry that had been parked on the left had also gone. They must have had a plan to kidnap the young master."

"Where exactly did the accident take place?"

"There is a small roadside temple, to a god called Mukarundhasami, on Chengalpettu High Road. The accident happened just past that temple."

"Did the police come to make inquiries?"

"They did the inquiry here. But I insisted I was alone in the car. They asked me if I remembered the lorry numbers, and I told them I didn’t.

But I do remember one of them."

"Very good," said Narendran. "Which one do you remember, the parked one or the one that was going to crash into you?"

"The one that was parked. I noticed the number from a distance. TN-09-A-4510. I memorised it, just like that. But I don’t know the other one..."

"No, that’s good. Do you suspect anyone in particular?"

"Yes. The ruling party MLA, Sundaragopal Ananthanarayanasami!"

"Hell of a name! Why do you suspect him?"

"He’s the one most threatened by Arthreyan’s rise. They were classmates in school. He knew, even then, that Arthreyan was brilliant..."

"Who told you all this?"

"Arthreyan himself told me."

"Samson, do you really think it would have been possible for Arthreyan to have been kidnapped in such a short time?"

"Why not, sir? There was a gap of at least three minutes before the villagers gathered, and I was unconscious. The kidnapping could easily have happened during that time."

"Thank you. We’ll meet again later."

"Please come before seven in the night, sir."


"I haven’t been able to sleep properly. I’d like to go to bed early tonight."


Narendran returned to the car park with Vaijayanthi.

"That’s one great advantage to working in a hospital, Vaij..."


"You get to learn which medicine will make which part grow bigger."

"I don’t get it..."

"Check out that nurse, you’ll understand."

A 38-26-38 figure in a tight uniform was marching into the hospital.

Narendran drummed his fingers softly in time with her steps: dha-dhumdha-dhum-dha-dhum. The uniform bounced in rhythm. Vaijayanthi shot Narendran a hard look, her eyes like burning lasers.

"Do you want me to ask her what the medicine is, Vaij? Maybe you could take the same dose."

"Ask her slipper size while you’re at it," snapped Vaijayanthi.


Narendran returned the smile. "I’m Narendran. From Eagle Eye Detective Agency."

"Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?"

"There was a road accident in Chengalpettu division yesterday morning. A car ran off the road and caught fire."


"The insurance company asked us to investigate the accident."

"What do you want to know?"

"I would like to see the spot. Have you found anything? Any interesting tidbits of information?"

"Tidbits? You mean like jam, mango pickle, chakrapongal...?"

Narendran laughed, a little more than necessary. "Good joke!"

"Nothing interesting so far," the inspector continued amiably. "The driver says there were two lorries, but he doesn’t remember anything about them. How do we find out?"

"Hmm. Difficult."

"How have you come, Mr Narendran?"

"In my Maruti car..."

"Then you can reach the spot in ten minutes. Ask for Mukarundhasami temple."

"Thanks, Inspector."

Narendran shook his hand, and came outside.

"So what does he say?" asked Vaijayanthi from the car, eating ice cream.

"You were able to find ice cream here, in this village?"

"I bought it in Madras and brought it along in an icebox."

"Clever girl!" teased Narendran, getting into the car.
