
Mellow Musings

Granoff manages to bring us a whiff from the past, when life was filled with simple sorrows and fate was never questioned.

Mellow Musings

Granoff includes some of his best stories—A Strange Attachment, Canvasser Krishnalal, Basella Trellis—ranging from the spooky to the sardonic, and the mundane to the moving. At places, her words echo the writer’s thoughts to the letter: " doubt today would be one of those days when the rain dripped lightly but continuously, tip, tip, tip." Bibhutibhushan is lyrical in his village portraits. Only a few of these translations—The Turmeric Ceremony, or The Flute— succeed in capturing that beauty. Still, Granoff manages to bring us a whiff from the past, when life was filled with simple sorrows and fate was never questioned.
