
Outloook Picador India Competition

The list of nominees for the prizes is out. Watch out for January 29!

Outloook Picador India Competition

Thank You and Congratulations

Outlook and Picador India thank all the participants of the Outlook/ Picador India  Non-Fiction Competition.  We were overwhelmed by your enthusiasm andthe number of entries we received.

The jury members comprised:
Vinod Mehta, editor-in-chief, Outlook
Sandipan Deb, managing editor, Outlook
Pankaj Mishra, author
Amit Chaudhuri, author

During the judging process, the jury members were not privy to the identities of thewriters of the essays.

The list of nominees for the prizes (in alphabetical order):
Anjum Hasan: Shillong, Bob Dylan and Cowboy Boots
Dilip D’Souza: Kashmir Here, Kashmir There
Meenakshi Shedde: Lingering over Lingerie
Rukun Advani: For East is West, and West is East, and Ever the Twain HaveMet
S.A. Srivatsa: Stars and Stripes

The judges will announce the winners of the First, Second and Third Prizes at the AwardsCeremony at the Lecture Hall (basement), India International Centre Annexe in New Delhi onJanuary 29, 2002 at 6:30 pm.

The winner of the First Prize will be contacted personally so he/she can be present at theawards distribution.
