Prasoon Joshi

What is Write&Read about?

Write&Read is all about children and stories. This one-of-its-kind initiative aims to discover young authors.

How did you become a part of this project?

Since writing is my first love, I was enthralled with the concept of a peer-to-peer experience, one where children would create content for other children.

But technology scores over books today.

It is a growing concern that the world is creating a generation of gadget kids. However, it is also about how we can use technology to further creative expression.

Your view on books available for kids today?

I feel there is less of modern Indian content for kids. Thus, more dependence on content provided by Disney, Warner Bros and the like.

Will Write&Read help further the cause of children’s literature?

There is a gap in the kind of content available for young readers, so the workshop aims at creating new content that is relevant in the modern context.

Is music going to be part of the initiative?

Not at this point, but we are open-minded and will see how things evolve.

Do you like working with children?

Children have an unbiased vision of the world and observe and articulate things in the most honest way. This allows them a freedom of expression that is endearing.

Are kids reading enough today?

Reading isn’t a part of a child’s daily schedule anymore. They are mostly not reading enough because of lack of interest, lack of time and advent of new channels of information.

Other projects you are working on?

A campaign addressing malnutrition in children. I’m wrapping up Milkha Singh’s biopic.

Taare Zameen Par, and your lyrics, clicked with children. How will you connect with them at Write&Read?

I hope to share my experiences with them.
