
Chhattisgarh’s Chitrakote And Dhudmaras Villages Win 2024 Tourism Excellence Awards

Chitrakote shines for its community-driven tourism model, while Dhudmaras is recognized for its adventure tourism excellence.

Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Union Minister for Tourism
The awards were presented by Union Minister for Tourism, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, during a World Tourism Day

Two villages from the Naxalite-affected Bastar district of Chhattisgarh, Chitrakote and Dhudmaras, were honored in separate categories under the 'Best Tourism Village Competition 2024' by the Ministry of Tourism, officials announced on Saturday. Chitrakote shines for its community-driven tourism model, while Dhudmaras is recognized for its adventure tourism excellence. 

The awards were presented by Union Minister for Tourism, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, during a World Tourism Day event held in Delhi on Friday, according to a government official.

Chitrakote, celebrated for its magnificent waterfall, was recognized for its community-driven tourism model, while Dhudmaras received accolades for its excellence in adventure tourism, the official added.

Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai congratulated the people of the two villages and the state tourism department, stating that the award further reinforces the government's commitment to establishing Chhattisgarh as a leading tourist destination.

"This achievement will give more impetus to the tourism industry in the state. Efforts are being made to promote wellness tourism, adventure tourism, and cultural heritage in the state," said Sai.

The Chief Minister also announced plans to honor individuals demonstrating excellence in tourism with special awards every year on the state's foundation day.

The awards were received by Chhattisgarh's Secretary of Tourism and Culture Anbalagan P, Managing Director of the Chhattisgarh Tourism Board Vivek Acharya, and Director of Jungle Safari and Zoo Raipur Ganveer Dhammshil. Founder of Unexplored Bastar Jeet Singh Arya and representatives from the local community were also present.

Local communities have been integral to promoting tourism in both villages. Dhammshil highlighted Dhudmaras for its adventure activities and Chitrakote for its global fame due to the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the waterfall.

Dhammshil, in his previous role as Director of Kanger Ghati National Park, where Dhudmaras is located, played a key role in promoting adventure tourism in the region. 

This recognition of Chitrakote and Dhudmaras not only highlights the natural and cultural richness of Bastar but also underscores the importance of community participation in sustainable tourism development. The involvement of local communities has been instrumental in preserving the region's heritage while promoting tourism, bringing both economic benefits and global recognition to the area. With continued efforts in promoting wellness, adventure, and cultural tourism, Chhattisgarh is poised to become a major destination in India’s tourism landscape, attracting visitors from around the world to explore its unique offerings. 

A Shift Towards Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism Infomercial

The recognition of these villages signals a larger movement towards sustainability in India’s tourism sector. More than just celebrating the natural beauty and adventure offerings, these awards underscore the growing role of local communities in tourism governance. Sustainable tourism, particularly in remote and fragile ecosystems like Bastar, demands a delicate balance between boosting tourist inflows and preserving the cultural and natural heritage that attract visitors in the first place.

Community-driven tourism has been central to this balance. In Chitrakote, local stakeholders have taken charge of managing tourism activities around the waterfall, ensuring that the benefits of tourism reach the grassroots level. By involving locals in decision-making, infrastructure development, and visitor management, Chitrakote has set an example for other emerging tourist destinations. As Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai aptly noted, “This achievement will give more impetus to the tourism industry in the state. Efforts are being made to promote wellness tourism, adventure tourism, and cultural heritage in the state.”

Adventure Tourism: A Game-Changer for Rural India

Dhudmaras village, recognized for its excellence in adventure tourism, provides a compelling case study of how rural areas can cater to the burgeoning demand for adventure travel. As urban populations become increasingly interested in outdoor activities like trekking, zip-lining, and river rafting, rural destinations like Dhudmaras can offer these experiences in a natural, less commercialized setting. The success of adventure tourism in Dhudmaras is a reminder that rural India holds untapped potential for niche tourism markets that go beyond the typical historical or cultural attractions.

Adventure tourism, in particular, presents a sustainable way to develop tourism in ecologically sensitive areas like Bastar. By promoting responsible, low-impact travel that celebrates the natural environment, these regions can build a thriving tourism sector without compromising their ecosystems.

Unlocking Economic Potential in Underexplored Regions

Bastar, a district that has been long overshadowed by its reputation as a Naxalite stronghold, is now emerging as a beacon of hope for tourism-driven development. With its dense forests, vibrant tribal culture, and historical sites, Bastar holds immense potential for eco-tourism, cultural tourism, and adventure tourism. The awards to Chitrakote and Dhudmaras are not just a recognition of their tourism models but a larger endorsement of Bastar’s untapped potential as a tourist destination.

For decades, the region's socio-political instability has kept it off the radar for both domestic and international tourists. However, with sustained efforts to promote tourism, the government and local communities are rewriting the narrative of Bastar. Chhattisgarh’s Secretary of Tourism and Culture, Anbalagan P, and Vivek Acharya, Managing Director of the Chhattisgarh Tourism Board, have emphasized that the state’s tourism strategy will now center around unlocking these lesser-known destinations and turning them into economic engines for local development.

Challenges and Opportunities

Of course, promoting tourism in conflict-affected areas like Bastar comes with its own set of challenges. Safety concerns due to Naxalite activity can deter potential tourists, while infrastructure gaps make travel difficult. But these challenges also present opportunities. Tourism can play a crucial role in promoting peace by providing alternative livelihoods and fostering a sense of pride and economic independence among local populations. In many conflict-affected areas around the world, tourism has been a force for stability, offering a peaceful way forward.

The recognition of Chitrakote and Dhudmaras villages signifies a transformative step in reshaping Chhattisgarh’s tourism narrative, turning it from a Naxalite-affected region into a burgeoning hub of sustainable and adventure tourism. However, the journey ahead is not without hurdles. As tourism expands, it becomes imperative for both the government and local communities to address challenges like infrastructure development, safety concerns, and ensuring that the region's natural and cultural integrity remains intact.