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Love Yourself International Women’s Day

Dr Manjula Pooja Shroff is the MD & CEO of the Kalorex Group. She holds a Doctorate and is an executive alumni from IIM Ahmedabad and London School of Economics. A visionary Edupreneur with dedicated and diverse experience in the field of education, her educational institutes and social projects have made a noteworthy impact on the educational landscape

Dr Manjula Pooja Shroff, MD & CEO, Kalorex Group

International Women’s Day is not only a celebration of the achievements and contributions of women but also a time to reflect on the challenges they face and the empowerment needed to overcome them. In the midst of advocating for gender equality, it is crucial to acknowledge the significance of self-care, particularly the concept of “me time” for women.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, women often find themselves juggling multiple roles – as professionals, caregivers, wives, mothers, and more. Amid these responsibilities, it is easy to lose sight of one’s own value and significance. “Me time” serves as a powerful tool for women to reconnect with themselves and nurture a deeper understanding of their inherent worth beyond what the society expects from them as stereotypical behavior.

Taking a break from external pressures allows women to introspect, appreciate their accomplishments, and recognize their unique qualities. Some may wish to explore certain hobbies and talents that have remained dormant for years. This self-awareness becomes the foundation for building self-esteem and confidence. By investing time in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, women can develop a stronger sense of identity, ultimately contributing to a positive self-image and self-worth.

Empowered women are often seen as individuals who not only overcome obstacles but also proactively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. However, maintaining high levels of motivation in the face of challenges can be demanding. Spending time with yourself acts as a catalyst for rejuvenation, helping women recharge their mental and emotional batteries.

The societal expectations placed on women often revolve around self-sacrifice and putting others’ needs before their own. This sacrificial mindset can lead to burnout, resentment, and a sense of discontent. International Women’s Day serves as a reminder that women have the right to prioritize their own needs and desires.

Women have an opportunity to live for yourself – to indulge in activities that bring personal satisfaction and joy. Whether it’s dedicating time to personal growth, pursuing passions, or simply enjoying moments of solitude, living for yourself is in no way a selfish act as it is sometimes perceived as. As women embrace this autonomy, they break free from societal expectations, asserting their right to lead fulfilling lives on their own terms.

Let us take inspiration from women who have been role models for us on personal, professional or patriotic level. These are the ladies who may have made a mark in some way or the other on how they have managed to face adversity and make the changes that they wanted to see in their world. They made sacrifices stepped out of their comfort zone many a time, but managed to balance out pressure to handle everything beautifully. International Women’s Day is a wonderful occasion to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women globally. It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of self-care and self-improvement in the journey of every woman. Taking the time to invest in oneself, both physically and mentally, plays a significant role in personal growth and well-being.

Encouraging women to love and prioritize themselves is a powerful message. It’s a reminder that their worth extends beyond societal expectations and roles. Every step taken towards self-improvement is a step towards becoming a better version of oneself.

While we celebrate the accomplishments of women, let’s also acknowledge the strength, resilience, and potential within each woman to create positive changes in their own lives and in the world. Here’s to empowering women to embrace self-love, pursue their passions, and continue inspiring others with their remarkable journeys.

As women across the globe embrace themselves, they pave the way for a future where self-love and self-empowerment are integral components of the journey towards gender equality. Let this International Women’s Day be a reminder to every woman – love yourself, live for yourself, and with every step forward, become a better version of the incredible person you already are.