
Excerpts From The Cabinet Secretary's Address To The Infrastructure Forum And Pr

Excerpts From The Cabinet Secretary's Address To The Infrastructure Forum And Pr

On the privatisation of infrastructure: "We have to delink economic decision-making from domestic politics. Certain political entities were opposed to privatisation of infrastructure, but in the last two years, a consensus has emerged that private investment, including foreign investment, is healthy.... Our state governments are independent and autonomous. But many have come to the conclusion that unless they jump on the bandwagon, they will be left behind."

On the economic reform process: "It is well under control and moving at a fast clip.... We've had four governments in the last 12 months, yet economic decision-making was the fastest it's ever been. The bureaucracy will have to get used to working with the private sector. It has to adapt and change."

On the investment scenario: "India has solved many problems, but it is an ongoing process.... India is not a place where you can come, make a quick buck and go away. India will never be like China. We will never approve projects in a day.... We strive to provide a level playing field and give evidence of independent decisionmaking and transparency.

On Indian CEOS in the delegation: "(They) were more bullish than we, the official delegation. I came expecting criticism and negative remarks but I am positively surprised.... The results (of the visit) exceeded expectation. Investor interest was palpably evident."
