Your first full Budget has been termed the best in the 1990s. Thesensex rose by over 200 points...
These are but initial reactions. Lets wait till the next weekwhen the finer prints get more legible. Well gauge the applause then. As far as theBSE is concerned, it only shows MAT was never an issue.
What has been your biggest challenge in this Budget?
The interest rates. At the current Indian interest rates, it is verydifficult to get investments.
But you have not really been able to reduce interest rates. Cost of funds is stillextremely high.
Ive made a beginning and Im trying. Lets see where I land up.
And food sector management?
Thats another challenge and has to be monitored on a day-to-daybasis. Here too, we have made a beginning through the revamped PDS. The Government and Iare committed to providing more support, funds, if necessary, to make the targeted PDS anoutstanding success.
You said you wanted an A team for an Expenditure Management Commission.You got a B team instead...
Yes, my A team was present in both Houses of Parliament but they werenot ready to join me. Yes, they are politicians but I cannot give you the names.
Why did you want politicians? Why not economists, administrators?
You see, in India, nothing works or gets implemented without the politiciansseal.
Is health insurance a test run for a full opening up of insurance?
Lets see how this fares.
Will lowering of personal income tax work?
By moderating taxes we want to increase compliance. We want to givemore disposable income in the hands of people and want them to spend it. Or perhaps save.
Why the delay on the money laundering and companies bills?
The Companies Bill is not ready. Frankly, I would like to do it tomorrow.