I give my word and knowledge to everyone -
The world will be beautiful, that I love it.
Only if one day I give something
What will help my planet
To be alive and very persistent
I am someone who wants a new life.
I have all that I want and still seek.
I am someone who loves the world around me,
And someone who build with pride, build the pride
Until there remains nothing to build.
Aware that every day is special,
And that I have a reason to live again;
Love will be very special,
And that's what I just want.
To be happier than before.
I'm just someone who saves the world
Which will be special anyway.
I know that the country is broken.
She must be saved again.
Before, it was too late for everyone.
(Maid Corbic from Tuzla is 22 years old, an awarded poet. He is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and World Peace in Bhutan. He edits the First Virtual Art Universe.)