A Palestinian girl stands amid the rubble of her destroyed home in Beit Hanoun, Gaza

In a parallel world, as the world cup final plays,

A child waits for the word "ceasefire," in a desperate daze.

A village burns away, but we look away, indifferent and cold,

To a land not ours, yet with a beating heart, we remain bold.

We do not cry, for it's not our child in pain,

We let them bomb their homes, our diplomacy in vain.

Hamas and IDF locked in a tragic waltz, a war's cruel chance,

Families torn apart, while we sleep in peace, in a parallel dance.

The world watches with a divided gaze, seeking calmer days,

Can empathy bloom in the soil of despair, mending wounds in myriad ways?

What happens when the war ends, leaving orphans and streets bare?

In a parallel world, we remain glued to our screens, showing widespread apathy, a child dies in despair.

In this parallel world, empathy struggles to find its voice,

As we turn a blind eye, leaving suffering as our choice.

But in a world where empathy thrives, a different story is told,

Where hearts open wide, and compassion takes hold.

Let's bridge the gap between these parallel worlds,

Where empathy blooms, and compassion unfurls.

For when the war ends, let's not leave orphans and streets empty with no care,

But strive for a world where empathy reigns, and love is everywhere.

(Vani Singh is a freelance journalist in Delhi and a Media Governance graduate from Jamia Millia Islamia University)
