Fitness & Wellness

These Yoga Poses Will Help You Get Your Back On Track

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many people suffer from weak back muscles. Some easy yoga poses can give respite to niggling back problems.

Yoga For Back Pain

Yoga is a holistic workout that is practised with varied intensity suiting an individual’s abilities. The ancient India practice of Yoga offers numerous health benefits apart from burning calories. It helps build stamina, improves overall body flexibility, enhances concentration, boosts metabolism, relieves body rigidity and most importantly reduces stress.

This holistic exercise format targets both body and mind. Each pose and exercise format of Yoga is aimed at benefitting a particular part of our body. With a majority of people getting into sedentary jobs, there are higher chances of the back muscles getting weak. Recurring instances of back pains can lead to chronic back pains that could hinder body flexibility and mobility.

Here are some remedial exercises to fight off these back related pains:

  • Downward facing Dog: This yoga pose is aimed at working on the entire body and it primarily targets the back extensors. Back extensors are the large muscles that help form the lower back and helps in standing and lifting objects. The downward facing dog pose can be done with your hands and knees with our hands placed slightly in front of the shoulders. After that, lift your tailbone upwards by raising your knees away from the floor. Hold your position for 5 to 10 breaths and repeat the pose up to 7 times.

  •  Child’s Pose: If you want to destress yourself after a long tiring day at work or at home, Child’s pose will help you elongate your back. This active stretch can be done with your arms stretched out in front and sit back on your butt or glutes but it should not touch your heels. You need to hold your breath up to a count of 5 to 10. This can be done as many numbers of times to get a good stretch soothing your back.

  • Pigeon Pose: The pigeon pose stretches your hip rotators and flexors. This yoga format could be challenging for yoga beginners but it can work on your hips and help prevent back pains. This can be done by getting into the downward facing dog position but put your feet together. Then stretch your left knee forward and turn it out to the left in a way that your left leg is bent and is perpendicular to your right one. Then lower both legs towards the floor. This position can be held till 5 to 10 breaths and the same procedure can be repeated with the alternate leg.

  • Triangle Pose: Another effective pose to strengthen your back. Start by standing straight with your feet put together. Then lunge your foot back by three to four feet. Your left foot should point out at a 45-degree angle. Move your chest to the side and stretch your right arm towards the ground while your left arm aims towards the ceiling. While doing this pose, you need to keep your right and left leg straight. As a precautionary measure, do not stretch yourself too hard to touch the ground. Hold this position up to 5 to 10 breaths and repeat the same pose at the other side.

  • Cat Cow Pose: The cat cow pose relaxes your back muscles and is also used a warm up routine to prime up for other workout formats. You can do this by getting into an all-fours position and then move into Cat position by mildly pressing the spine up and arching the back. After holding this pose for a few seconds, you can then move into the Cow position by scooping your spine in. While doing the cow pose, you have to press your shoulder blades back and then lift your head. Once you have got both the position right, you can move back and for the from cat to cow position which will help you move your spine to a neutral position. This pose will help you relax the muscles and improve back agility. This pose can be done up to a count of 10.

  • Upward Forward Bend: This position stretches your back muscles and hamstrings and relaxes your tight shoulders. The upwards forward fold is also done as a warm up exercise before and after any cardio workout. Place your feet shoulder feet apart while standing straight and keep your knees loose. While exhaling hinge your waist and bend forward trying to reach towards the floor. If you are beginner, do not bend too steep and maintain a comfortable stretch. Hold this position up to 10 breaths and repeat it five to seven times.

  •  Upward Facing Dog: Try this pose by lying flat on the floor with your palms facing down by the middle of your rib areas. Draw your legs together and use your back’s strength to lift your chest from the floor. Hold this position up to a count of 10 breaths and repeat if you need to stretch more.


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