
Driving Transformative Product Development And GTM: A Conversation With Tech Veteran Gunjan Paliwal

Gunjan has a proven track record of successfully launching cutting-edge products and implementing critical Go-To-Market strategies. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a deep understanding of complex product ecosystems, she continues to shape the future of tech innovation.

Gunjan Paliwal
Gunjan Paliwal

Gunjan Paliwal is a distinguished tech professional with over a decade of experience in product marketing and product development. Her impressive career spanning over a decade includes roles at industry leaders like Meta, Newell, Sears, and Microsoft, where she has consistently driven product innovation and growth. Specializing in ML/AI, AdTech, and eCommerce marketplace products, Gunjan has a proven track record of successfully launching cutting-edge products and implementing critical Go-To-Market strategies. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a deep understanding of complex product ecosystems, she continues to shape the future of tech innovation. 

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in technology and product innovation?

A: From an early age, I was captivated by the transformative power of technology. What truly inspired me to pursue this career was witnessing firsthand how innovative products could solve real-world problems and enhance people's lives. This fascination naturally led me to explore the intricate relationship between technology, business strategies, and consumer behavior. My journey began with a solid foundation in tech and strategy, where I quickly developed a passion for data-driven decision making. Working with industry giants like Microsoft, Sears, Newell Brands, and now Meta, I've had the opportunity to refine my expertise in product development and Go-To-Market strategies. These experiences have continually reinforced the critical importance of understanding customer needs and staying ahead of market trends.

What drives me is the constant evolution in our field. The emergence of machine learning and AI, particularly GenAI, is revolutionizing product development. These technologies are unlocking unprecedented possibilities in AdTech, e-Commerce, and beyond. It's exhilarating to be at the forefront of these advancements, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create solutions that not only meet but anticipate customer needs.

Ultimately, my career has been fueled by a commitment to innovation balanced with practical, customer-focused products and solutions. The satisfaction of driving business growth, and continuously learning in this fast-paced industry is what inspires me every day. It's not just about the technology – it's about creating impactful products that drive real business results and improve user experiences.

Q: As a tech leader who has transitioned from India to the global stage, how has your diverse background shaped your approach to international product development and Go-To-Market strategies?

A. My journey from India to global tech leadership has uniquely positioned me to drive international product innovation. This experience, enriched by my education at the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has given me a deep understanding of product innovation, cross-cultural adaptability, global market dynamics, and customer-centric strategies. My approach is deeply rooted in thorough market research and continuous customer feedback loops, ensuring a robust product-market fit.

Working with industry leaders such as Meta, Newell, Sears, and Microsoft have profoundly shaped my perspective. At Microsoft, I learned the importance of scalable solutions; at Sears, I gained an in-depth understanding of eCommerce marketplace dynamics; Newell sharpened my skills in global product strategy, and Meta pushed me to envision and build the future of technology. These experiences, combined with the strong academic foundations from ISB and MIT, have cultivated a global, adaptable, and innovative approach to product development and Go-To-Market strategies. Throughout my career, I've consistently applied this blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience to drive significant results, approaching product innovation with a well-rounded perspective that seamlessly integrates cultural insights with real-world applications.

Q: What's your approach to driving product development and Go-To-Market?

A. My approach to driving product development and Go-To-Market strategies is rooted in achieving strong product-market fit. I start with thorough market research to deeply understand customer needs, pain points, and preferences. This research informs our product development and ensures we're addressing real market demands. For Go-To-Market, I align our strategy with these insights, tailoring our messaging and channels to resonate with our target audience.

I prioritize data-driven decision-making, using analytics and customer feedback to continually refine both our products and our market approach. Leveraging emerging technologies, particularly GenAI, is key to staying ahead of market trends and offering innovative solutions. This enables us to create more personalized, efficient, and impactful products, while also enhancing our marketing and sales strategies.

I also focus on fostering a culture of agile development within teams, encouraging rapid prototyping and iterative improvements based on real-world user data. This agility extends to our Go-To-Market execution, allowing us to quickly adapt to market changes and keep our products and messaging relevant and valuable. By maintaining this flexibility and driving continuous improvement across both product development and market strategies, we aim to create sustainable business growth and secure a competitive edge in the market.

Q: Can you describe a significant product launch or GTM strategy you led that drove substantial business growth?

A: One of my most impactful strategies was leading the Global Product launch and Go-To-Market (GTM) initiative for Newell in China and Southeast Asia. This project involved navigating diverse markets and unfamiliar territories, with significant hurdles in understanding unique consumer behaviors, market dynamics, and cultural nuances. I conducted extensive market research to gain deep insights into these complex markets. My approach involved comprehensive primary and secondary research, analyzing the 4Ps—Product, Price, Promotion, and Place—to develop a robust strategy. I adapted our products, adjusted pricing, crafted targeted promotions, and optimized distribution channels to suit local preferences and market expectations. The outcome was significant: we boosted our market share and enhanced Newell's brand presence in these rapidly growing markets, creating a multi-million-dollar opportunity for the company. This experience reinforced the power of customer-centric thinking and thorough market research in driving substantial business growth.

Q: Can you describe a product strategy you implemented that significantly accelerated product performance and drove revenue growth?

A: At Sears Holding Corporation, I led the development and implementation of product strategy that revolutionized our third-party marketplace platform. Our focus was on enhancing the seller onboarding experience and expanding our product catalog. We redesigned the seller interfaces, streamlining the onboarding process and introducing better tools for sellers, including inventory management. This improved efficiency allowed us to rapidly onboard thousands of new sellers, including international vendors, within a year. These enhancements resulted in measurable improvements, including a significant increase in active sellers and product listings, reduced bounce rates, improved conversion rates, lower Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and a higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) among sellers. To accelerate this expansion further, I also co-led a major seller roadshow in China, attracting thousands of  potential sellers. These efforts collectively contributed to substantial multi-million dollar revenue growth, strengthening Sears' position in the competitive eCommerce marketplace landscape. 

Q. Can you discuss a specific instance where you anticipated and successfully navigated a major industry shift?

A. I anticipated the rise of social commerce as early as 2016, when I was leading product development and Go-To-Market (GTM) efforts for the Sears Fount app. This innovative app integrated social media with eCommerce, allowing users to browse and purchase products directly, driving early engagement and sales via social commerce. Later, at Meta, I had the opportunity to further contribute to this growing field, leading numerous product development and GTM initiatives. The significance of this foresight is underscored by recent industry projections showing continued growth in social commerce: according to eMarketer's September 2023 forecast, US retail social commerce sales are expected to surpass $100 billion by 2025, representing a 22.4% growth from the previous year, validating my early recognition of its potential.

Q: What do you consider the most critical pitfall companies often encounter in product development and Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies, and how do you recommend avoiding it?

A: A common pitfall is failing to truly understand and prioritize customer needs. Many teams develop products based on internal assumptions or focus too heavily on features without validating their real-world value. This often leads to a disconnect between the product and its intended market. To avoid this, I advocate for extensive customer research and continuous feedback loops throughout the development process. It's crucial to validate assumptions early and often, using methods like prototyping, beta testing, and iterative development. Additionally, Go-To-Market strategies should be built on a deep understanding of the target audience, their buying behaviors, and the competitive landscape. Remember, the goal isn't just to build a product, but to solve a real problem for customers in a way that resonates with them.

Q: How do you see AI reshaping product development and Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies in the next 5 years, and how do you see yourself contributing to this transformation?
AI will significantly reshape product development and Go-To-Market strategies by enhancing personalization, accelerating innovation, and improving predictive analytics. AI will also refine GTM strategies by analyzing market dynamics and customer data to better align launch timing, pricing, and marketing tactics. In this transformation, I see myself integrating AI, particularly GenAI tools, into my product development process while collaborating with cross-functional teams and exploring emerging technologies. This approach would help ensure that I stay at the forefront of innovation and effectively balance AI-driven insights with human creativity. I recently published an in-depth Forbes article exploring this topic with specific examples and strategies, which you can read here for deeper insights.

Q: What exciting projects are you currently working on, and how do you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AdTech industry?

A: I’m currently working on various innovative projects within the Meta Ads team, where we're developing cutting-edge tools for digital advertising that leverage the latest technologies such as AI/ML. Meta ads help businesses boost online sales, drive in-store traffic, find new customers, and achieve various other marketing goals. In the dynamic AdTech industry, staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptability. To keep pace, I regularly study emerging trends, attend industry conferences, complete online courses, and collaborate with diverse teams. Embracing a growth mindset and proactively anticipating future needs are key to thriving in this fast-paced field.

Q: How would you describe your leadership philosophy, and how do you foster innovation?

A: My leadership philosophy centers on empowerment, collaboration, and continuous learning. I prioritize creating an environment where innovation thrives by encouraging open communication, emphasizing customer-centricity, and fostering cross-functional collaboration. I believe in taking calculated risks and allowing space for experimentation, which drives both personal growth and impactful results.

Q: How has mentorship influenced your career, and what advice do you have for aspiring tech leaders?

A. Mentorship has been a cornerstone of my career growth. I've been fortunate to have mentors who have provided invaluable guidance, challenged my perspectives, and opened doors to new opportunities. Their insights have also been crucial in helping me navigate complex decisions and broaden my understanding of the industry. My advice to aspiring tech leaders is to seek out diverse mentors, embrace feedback, and cultivate a growth mindset. Developing strong interpersonal skills and nurturing meaningful relationships are equally important. I also believe in paying it forward—mentoring others is not only rewarding but also reinforces your own leadership abilities. Great leadership in tech is built on continuous learning, adaptability, and empowering others to innovate and succeed. Recognizing the impact mentorship has had on my journey, I actively mentor through various platforms such as UPOP MIT, ADP.list, and Upnotch, among others.

Q: As we conclude, I'd like to explore your approach to continuous learning? Are there any specific resources or methods you find particularly effective?

A. Continuous learning is crucial in the fast-paced tech industry, and I take a multi-faceted approach to staying current. I regularly attend industry conferences and webinars to stay updated on emerging trends, while dedicating time each week to reading tech journals and research papers. I also utilize online learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Coursera and edX for structured learning on specific topics. Peer learning is another valuable component of my strategy; I engage in discussions with colleagues and participate in various tech forums to exchange ideas and insights. One particularly effective method I've found is the 'learn-apply-teach' cycle: when I learn something new, I apply it in my work and then share that knowledge with my peer groups. This process not only reinforces my understanding but often leads to innovative applications of new concepts. By combining these various methods, I try to ensure a well-rounded approach to continuous learning that keeps me at the forefront of technological advancements and industry trends, benefiting both my personal growth and my ability to lead and innovate in my current role.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this interview are solely those of Gunjan Paliwal and do not represent the positions or perspectives of her employer or any affiliated organizations.