
Energize Your Aura: Energy Coach Ritu Agarwal’s Guide To Attracting Abundance

Discover how to energize your aura and attract abundance in all aspects of your life with Energy Coach Ritu Agarwal's expert guide. Learn how to clear emotional baggage, align your energy centers, and live in high vibration to manifest your desires.

Ritu Agarwal
Ritu Agarwal

What if I told you that the key to attracting abundance isn’t hidden in some external goal, but radiates from your own energy field? According to renowned Energy Coach and founder of I Deserve Life Systems, Ritu Agarwal, “We don’t attract what we want, we attract who we are.” Central to this concept is the aura—the invisible energy field that surrounds each of us, reflecting our inner world. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape this energetic layer, which in turn influences what flows into our lives.

When our aura is vibrant and in alignment, we naturally invite abundance, love, and health. However, if it’s clouded with negativity or emotional baggage, it creates blockages that hinder our connection with the universe and restrict what we can attract. Let’s dive into the lovely Ritu Agarwal’s tips on energizing one’s aura to attract abundance in all aspects of your life.

1. The Universe Speaks in Energy, Not Words

To begin energizing your aura, it’s crucial to recognize that the universe doesn’t respond to verbal language—be it English, Hindi, or any other. Instead, it communicates through energy: thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and intentions. This is the language of the universe, and your aura is its translator. To manifest your desires, your aura must be aligned with the life you seek. When you maintain a clear, positive energy field, you create a direct channel to the universe, amplifying your ability to attract the reality you wish to experience.

Let’s say you deeply desire financial abundance. You keep telling yourself, “I want more money,” or “I want to be successful.” But if, deep down, your thoughts, beliefs, or emotions are tuned to fear, doubt, or lack—such as constantly worrying about bills or feeling unworthy of wealth—your aura is sending mixed signals to the universe. No matter how much you say you want abundance, you’re not on the right frequency.

Practical Step: Try taking a few moments each morning to consciously tune your aura to abundance. Close your eyes and visualize your energy field as radiant and expansive, feeling gratitude for the abundance you already have.

When you clean your energy field, align your thoughts and feelings with belief and confidence, and tune your aura to the vibration of abundance—feeling grateful for what you already have and believing you deserve more—the universe hears that signal loud and clear. That’s when you start attracting opportunities, wealth, and success.

2. Clearing and Energizing Your Energy Centers

Think of your external reality as a reflection of what’s happening inside your energy body. If you feel stuck, stressed, or overwhelmed, it’s often a sign that your aura is carrying unresolved energy or emotional baggage. Clearing and balancing your energy centers, or chakras, is the first step to energizing your aura and shifting your reality.

  • Chakra Healing: Each of the seven chakras influences different areas of your life—whether it’s love, self-expression, or personal power. When these energy centers are balanced, your body becomes a vessel for free-flowing energy. For example, if your heart chakra is blocked, you might struggle with giving or receiving love. But when it’s open, your aura radiates warmth and compassion, naturally attracting loving relationships into your life. Chakra healing helps remove these blocks and energizes your entire system, allowing your aura to glow with vibrancy.

Practical Step: Focus on one chakra at a time. Imagine a glowing ball of light where your chakra is located, and visualize it spinning freely, radiating pure energy. This simple visualization can do wonders for clearing blockages.

  • Aura Cleansing: Over time, we accumulate negative energy from past hurts, unresolved emotions, or toxic relationships. This stagnant energy clings to our aura, dimming its brightness and making us feel heavy or drained. Cleansing your aura is like giving your energy a fresh start. Imagine clearing away the emotional clutter—letting go of past pain, resentment, or fear. This not only refreshes your aura but also revitalizes your energy, making you feel lighter, more radiant, and more in tune with the positive flow of life.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Also known as tapping, EFT helps release emotional blockages that weigh down your aura. We all carry unexpressed emotions—stress, sadness, frustration—that, if left unchecked, can create energetic blockages. EFT allows you to release these emotions in a gentle but powerful way, lightening your aura and enabling it to shine with vitality. As you release what no longer serves you, your aura becomes more magnetic, drawing in the positivity and opportunities you’ve been waiting for.

3. Releasing Emotional Baggage

Our past experiences, if not properly processed, leave emotional and energetic imprints on our aura. These old wounds act as weights, dragging down our energy and blocking the free flow of positive energy. To fully energize your aura, it’s essential to release this baggage through deep emotional healing and forgiveness—both for yourself and others. The lighter your emotional load, the brighter your aura becomes.

4. Living in High Vibration

A weak or misaligned aura can leave you feeling exhausted, drained, and constantly battling stress. But when your aura is vibrating at a high frequency, life flows with ease, and you attract what you desire naturally. Elevating your energy is about making conscious shifts that align with the higher version of yourself.

  • Energy Frequency Alignment: Everything in your life—your thoughts, emotions, and actions—holds a frequency. When you consciously raise your energy frequency, you transform your entire aura. In my work, I teach women to elevate their vibration by using techniques such as breathwork, visualization, and affirmation rituals that are specifically designed to raise energy. For example, a simple but powerful practice is starting your day by visualizing your aura expanding with bright, golden energy. By doing this, you energetically set the tone for the day, creating a magnetic field that attracts positivity and opportunity.

  • Heart-Centered Living: One of the most potent ways to elevate your aura is by living from your heart center. This means leading with love, compassion, and authenticity. When you operate from a space of love rather than fear, your aura radiates warmth and draws in nurturing relationships, abundant opportunities, and a sense of inner peace.

5. Aligning with Life’s Natural Flow

Ultimately, energizing your aura is about aligning with the natural flow of life. When your energy centers are balanced and your aura is clear, life unfolds effortlessly. Opportunities, relationships, and experiences that resonate with your highest good flow naturally into your life. On the other hand, resisting this flow or holding onto low-frequency emotions like anger or fear blocks the energy and dims your aura.

As the founder of the Energy Queens Hub, Ritu truly believes the goal is to live in harmony with your highest self—where every cell vibrates with high energy, and your thoughts, emotions, and aura radiate positivity. Start energizing your aura today—take just five minutes to realign your thoughts, cleanse your energy field, and watch how abundance begins to flow into your life.