
"Innovating Security: An Interview With Open Source Advocate And Software Engineer Sushant Mimani"

Author: Vansh Ahluwalia

Sushant Mimani
Sushant Mimani

Sushant Mimani, an experienced figure in the software engineering world, particularly in the realm of security, has made groundbreaking strides through his work in open-source software (OSS). A Senior Software Engineer at GoDaddy, Sushant has been pivotal in advancing security solutions. We explore his career journey, focusing on his significant contributions to OSS, particularly Asherah & Tartufo and their impact on the industry.

Sushant, for our readers who might not be familiar, could you briefly explain what Asherah and Tartufo are, and their significance in the world of OSS?

Asherah is a multi-language, cross-platform application encryption SDK, and Tartufo is a tool for scanning secrets in GitHub. Both are OSS projects that represent significant advancements in software security, making these tools accessible and improving security standards globally.

Can you share the significance of Asherah’s launch at the AWS re:Inforce event in 2019?

The launch of Asherah at AWS re:Inforce in 2019 was a monumental moment for us. AWS re:Inforce is a major conference focused on cloud security, and introducing Asherah there underscored its importance and relevance in the industry. It was a recognition of our efforts in developing a cutting-edge security tool and marked a significant milestone in my career.

How has your involvement in OSS projects impacted your professional journey at GoDaddy?

My work in OSS has been central to my professional growth. It has allowed me to delve deeply into security challenges and develop effective solutions. This experience has been invaluable in my role at GoDaddy, particularly in leading projects related to data encryption and security infrastructure. Additionally, these contributions have helped establish my reputation as an industry expert and expanded my professional network.

Your contributions to OSS have been widely recognized. Can you discuss a particular challenge you faced in an OSS project and how you overcame it?

One of the most challenging project features I worked on wasimplementing cross language encryption & decryption support. The challenge was not just in the complexity of the code but also in ensuring backward compatibility and user accessibility. To overcome this, I worked with my fellowengineers, and we adopted an iterative development approach, focusing on incremental improvements and extensive testing. This not only ensured a robust solution but also facilitated seamless adoption by the OSS community.

How do you believe your work in OSS, particularly in projects like Asherah and Tartufo, has contributed to advancements in the broader field of software security?

My work, especially on Asherah and Tartufo, has primarily contributed in two significant ways. Firstly, it has helped in setting higher standards for data security and encryption practices within OSS. Secondly, these projects have served as a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing, enabling many developers and organizations to implement advanced security measures in their applications. Essentially, this work has helped elevate the importance of security in software development.

In what ways has your experience with OSS impacted the way you approach problem-solving in software engineering?

Working with OSS has immensely broadened my problem-solving skills. The diverse range of issues and the collaborative nature of OSS development have taught me to approach problems from various angles and consider multiple perspectives. It's a more holistic approach, where you not only focus on the technical aspects but also on usability, scalability, and community feedback.

Reflecting on the dynamic and ever-evolving tech landscape, where do you see the future of OSS and security heading?

The future of OSS and security is incredibly promising. We are moving towards a more interconnected and collaborative environment where security becomes a fundamental aspect of software development. I foresee greater emphasis on community-driven security solutions, advanced encryption techniques, and more robust, transparent security protocols in OSS projects.

As we wrap up, what advice would you offer to new graduates entering the field of software engineering, especially those interested in OSS and security?

To all the new graduates, my advice is to embrace the learning process and be open to exploring different areas in tech, especially security. The field is constantly evolving, and there's always something new to learn. Engaging in OSS projects can be a great way to build skills and contribute meaningfully to the tech community. Remember, your contributions, no matter how small, can lead to significant advancements in the industry.

Through his work in OSS and security, Sushant Mimani has not only carved a niche for himself in the tech world but also inspired a new generation of software engineers. His journey is a powerful example of how dedication and continuous learning can lead to remarkable achievements in technology.