
Securing Identities In The Digital Age: HID’s Vision For The Future

HID is pioneering secure identity solutions for the future, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and technological advancements to safeguard digital and physical identities in an increasingly connected world.

Prabhuraj Patil
Prabhuraj Patil

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping every aspect of our lives, the concept of identity has taken on new dimensions. From unlocking our smartphones to accessing secure facilities, our identities are constantly being verified and authenticated. At the forefront of this crucial field is HID, a company that has been pioneering secure identity solutions for over three decades. Recently, we had the opportunity to speak with Prabhuraj Patil, Senior Director, Physical Access Control Solutions, Asean & India Subcontinent at HID, who provided us with valuable insights into the company's innovative approach and its vision for the future of identity security.

Q: Can you give us an overview of HID and its core mission?

A: HID has been a prominent player in the global market for the past three decades, with a clear focus on securing identities. As Prabhu succinctly put it, "We secure the identities. We power the trusted identities." This encompasses not just individuals, but also places and things, highlighting the company's comprehensive approach to identity security.

The organisation is structured into six distinct business units:

1. Physical Access Control Solutions: This includes card readers, controllers, and mobile solutions.

2. Secure Issuance: Focusing on secure document printing.

3. Citizen ID: Offering complete solutions for citizen identification in both hard and soft formats, including passport services.

4. Extended Access Technologies: Sharing HID's technology with third-party manufacturers to create comprehensive solutions.

5. Identity and Access Management: A software-driven division managing the entire lifecycle of identity within organisations.

6. Identification Technologies: Manufacturing RFID and BLE technologies for asset tracking, animal tracking, and people tracking systems.

This diverse portfolio allows HID to cater to a wide range of security needs across different sectors, positioning them as leaders in managing secure identity solutions for customers.

Q: How does HID stay at the forefront of innovation in the security industry?

A: Innovation is at the heart of HID's success. The company heavily invests in research and development, with a substantial team of around 500 people in India alone dedicated to innovation. This commitment to R&D allows HID to continually evolve its offerings to meet changing customer requirements and stay ahead of industry trends.

One of their recent innovations that Prabhu highlighted is the shift towards digital IDs and mobile access control. This advancement allows employees to use their smartphones to access facilities, eliminating the need for physical cards. This not only enhances user convenience but also contributes to sustainability efforts by reducing plastic waste.

Q: Speaking of sustainability, how is this trend influencing the security industry and HID's approach?

A: Prabhu emphasised the growing importance of sustainability in the industry. "Sustainability has climbed up the ladder; it is one of the top three asks of the customer." This shift is driven by organisations setting environmental goals and carbon neutrality targets.

HID has responded to this trend in several ways:

1. Green-certified readers that are more energy-efficient

2. Bamboo cards as an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic

3. The shift towards digital credentials, reducing the need for physical cards

Prabhu shared that some organisations are now auditing their vendors' environmental policies and sustainability practices as part of their decision-making process. This underscores the increasing importance of sustainability in the security industry.

Q: What are the key technology trends shaping the physical access control industry?

A: Based on HID's latest State of Physical Access Control Trend report, Prabhu identified five key trends:

1. Mobile Access and Digital IDs: There's a significant shift towards using smartphones for access control. According to their survey, 39% of organisations have already implemented this technology.

2. Open Architecture and Standards: Customers are moving away from proprietary solutions, preferring open standards like OSDP (Open Supervised Device Protocol) that allow for better integration and flexibility.

3. Sustainability: As mentioned earlier, this has become a top priority in decision-making processes.

4. Artificial Intelligence: AI is being increasingly used for business intelligence and analytics in access control systems.

5. Contactless Biometric Systems: There's a growing preference for contactless biometric solutions, such as facial recognition systems.

Q: Can you provide an example of how AI is being applied in access control systems?

A: Prabhu shared an intriguing example of AI application in a manufacturing setup. The access control system collects data on daily office occupancy, which is then used to inform canteen operations. This allows the canteen to prepare the appropriate amount of food based on the number of people present in the facility each day, reducing waste and improving efficiency.

Q: How are HID's solutions contributing to safer public spaces and smart city initiatives?

A: HID's secure identity solutions play a crucial role in creating safer public spaces by ensuring that identities cannot be cloned or misused. This is particularly important in smart city initiatives where digital identities are used across various services.

Prabhu explained that their technology helps ensure that an individual's identity is unique and cannot be duplicated or used in multiple places simultaneously. This level of security is essential in creating a safe environment for both individuals and organisations in increasingly connected urban spaces.

Q: What are the growth areas for HID, particularly in the Indian market?

A: Prabhu identified several key growth areas for HID in the Indian market:

1. Data Centres: With the rapid digitisation of services, there's a growing need for secure data centres.

2. IT Services: As the IT sector continues to expand, so does the need for robust identity and access management solutions.

3. Banking and Financial Services Industry (BFSI): This sector requires high-level security solutions to protect sensitive financial data and transactions.

Prabhu projected a double-digit compound annual growth rate in these segments, indicating significant opportunities for HID in the Indian market.

Q: How does HID envision the future of identity solutions?

A: Prabhu emphasized that HID's innovations are driven by the trends they observe in the market. They're focusing on enhancing mobile and cloud-based solutions to provide better user experiences and meet customer requirements.

Sustainability remains a key focus, with all new products being designed to meet sustainability goals. They're also continuing to develop AI and machine learning systems to enable more effective decision-making in access control systems.

Q: What sets HID apart from its competitors?

A: According to Prabhu, HID's market leadership is rooted in its commitment to innovation and substantial investment in R&D. With one of the largest teams of engineers working on innovation platforms, HID is well-positioned to meet evolving customer requirements.

Prabhu stated, "We are far ahead and we are better in terms of our innovations," highlighting the company's confidence in its technological capabilities.

As our world becomes increasingly connected, the importance of secure identity solutions continues to grow. From mobile access control and AI-driven analytics to sustainable practices and open standards, HID is at the forefront of these transformative trends. By focusing on innovation, sustainability, and meeting evolving customer needs, HID is not just responding to changes in the security landscape – it's shaping the future of identity management.

In an age where our digital and physical identities are increasingly intertwined, companies like HID play a crucial role in ensuring that our connected world remains secure. As we look to the future, it's clear that the field of identity solutions will continue to evolve, driven by technological advancements and changing societal needs. With its strong foundation in innovation and commitment to addressing emerging challenges, HID is well-positioned to lead the charge in creating a safer, more secure future for all.