
Shaju Francis P 's Transition From A Network Engineer To An Entrepreneur

Shaju’s success story is the kind that would inspire youngsters and aspiring entrepreneurs across the world. With sheer determination and belief, Shaju managed to create the kind of business enterprise that takes years for people to put together.

Shaju Francis P 's

WebEye Ads CEO Shaju Francis P Talks About His Vision For 2023

When Shaju Francis P was studying in a school in Thrissur in Kerala, social networking websites like Instagram and Facebook had just started enticing Indian users with their features and connectivity options. Though he was just a young teenager then, Shaju sensed that social media would become very big in the years to come. After completing his graduation in Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Shaju decided to take a plunge into the digital marketing space and launched his own company named WebEye Ads.

Talking about social media has grown over the years, Shaju says, “Back then, my friends would spend hours at cyber cafes browsing through the limited social networking websites that were there. At that time, I knew that this was one space that would explode in a big way in the near future. The advent of smart technology accelerated this process. Since my school days, I started studying the different aspects related to social media very closely. While my BBA education helped me understand the ropes of business and entrepreneurship, all the research I did on digital marketing came in handy when I launched my company WebEye Ads.”

At a very young age, Shaju has become a highly successful entrepreneur. Though launched just a while back, WebEye Ads has become one of the most sought-after digital marketing agencies in Kerala. The company deals with clients based in other states and outside India as well. Shaju’s knowledge of social media and understanding of SEO and other digital marketing practice has made WebEye Ads the go-to agency for most companies and businesses based in Kerala.

“Every company wants to be relevant on social media today. If you have a solid presence on these platforms and manage to engage your followers regularly with interesting content, they are bound to pay for the products and services offered to you. Business organizations cannot do these things on their own. That’s where digital marketing agencies like WebEye Ads come into the picture. This year, we will be expanding our team and plan to double up our revenue”, says the young entrepreneur.

Shaju’s success story is the kind that would inspire youngsters and aspiring entrepreneurs across the world. With sheer determination and belief, Shaju managed to create the kind of business enterprise that takes years for people to put together. One of the biggest USPs of WebEye Ads is the fact that it offers every possible that comes under the purview of digital marketing.