
Best Steroids For Beginners - First Steroid Cycle For Muscle Growth And Cutting Cycles

If you are new to bodybuilding and wondering are the best steroids for beginners, use a Testosterone, Anavar, Deca and Winstrol stack. This is an ideal first steroid cycle.

Best Steroids For Beginners

Just beginning to use steroids: good or bad? To partake or not to partake? These are questions that often cross the minds of many bodybuilding newbies.

If you are new to bodybuilding and considering running your first steroid cycle, this article will provide answers to all the important questions that are going through your mind.

It shares information about the best anabolic steroids to use during a first steroid cycle, steroid stacking advice, and highlights the benefits and risks associated with these controversial anabolic compounds that are so popular in bodybuilding and sports.

I will also tell you where you can get legal steroids online that are super effective and safe to use.

Best Steroid Cycle for Beginners - Quick Look

Best Stack for Beginner Steroid Cycles

If you want to get the most from a steroid cycle, there's only one way to go, you need to use a stack. Most bodybuilders do it. Even ones who are still new to the game.

The term "stacking" refers to the practice of combining steroids. Certain options have complimentary benefits that allow them to work synergistically when you use them together.

At the beginner level, the first stack will be a "bulking" stack that combines steroids that support rapid muscle growth.

The second stack will be a cutting stack containing steroids that accelerate fat loss while preserving lean muscle tissue.

Both stacks will also support better-quality workouts and faster muscle recovery.

CLICK to view the best legal steroids stack for a beginner

Dianabol (Best for Muscle Building and Strength)


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Also known as D-Bol, Dianabol, is an oral anabolic steroid renowned for its ability to enhance muscle growth. Even beginners who use D-Bol on its own may gain 15 pounds of muscle by the fourth week of their cycles.

As a derivative of testosterone, it possesses both anabolic and androgenic properties. However, thanks to some clever chemical modifications it works faster than natural testosterone, making it an appealing option for beginners eager to see quick results.

Dianabol's ability to provide faster muscle development is largely due to the way it enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. In simple terms, the steroid tweaks the body's in-built muscle-building machinery and sets it into overdrive.

The relatively short half-life of Dianabol means it acts quickly in the body, contributing to its effectiveness in kickstarting muscle gains. This characteristic makes it a popular choice among those looking to jumpstart their bulking cycles and beginners seeking a fast track to rapid improvements in muscle mass.

Dianabol Benefits

Beginners who are using this steroid for the first time will probably be amazed by how it enhances their progress.

Key benefits of Dianabol include:

  • Greater physical endurance

  • Better quality workouts

  • Faster muscle recovery

  • Notable increases in muscle mass and strength

However, as with most anabolic steroids, these benefits may come alongside a variety of adverse effects.

Dianabol Side Effects

The side effects of Dianabol can vary from one person to the next. However, most users will experience a variety of negative issues which may include:

  • Greasy skin

  • Acne

  • Hair loss

  • Water retention

  • High cholesterol

  • Elevated blood pressure

  • Gynecomastia (man boobs)

  • Roid rage

  • Liver damage

  • Heart attack/stroke

Dianabol also suppresses natural testosterone production. Left untreated, this can result in brain fog, fat storage, low libido, and rapid loss of muscle mass. Fortunately, it's possible to avoid these and other symptoms of low testosterone by following each Dianabol cycle with post-cycle therapy (PCT). This involves the use of specialist drugs that help restore natural testosterone production.

Women who use Dianabol may also have to contend with symptoms of virilization such as facial hair growth, deeper voice, and the development of similar masculine traits.

Dianabol Dosage and Cycle

Bodybuilders who are new to steroids and are using Dianabol for the first time generally begin by taking 15-30mg per day over 6-week cycles.

It's impossible to predict individual responses because everyone is different. However, to promote the safest steroid user experience, it's best to initially begin with the lowest dose.

Deca Durabolin (Best for Developing Lean Muscle Mass)

Deca Durabolin

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Deca Durabolin is an excellent choice for beginners who want to enhance their lean mass. Deca Durabolin is known for its relatively mild side effects, making it a safer choice for those doing their first steroid cycles. Its low androgenic properties reduce the risk of hair loss, acne, and other common androgenic side effects.

Why is this steroid so good for developing lean muscle tissue? Because it can boost muscle growth without the excessive water retention that accompanies other steroids, such as Dianabol. This means that gains from Deca should be easier to retain after the first cycle ends, provided that users maintain a good diet and consistent training regimen.

Additionally, Deca Durabolin enhances collagen synthesis and bone mineral content. This not only aids in developing a lean muscular appearance but also strengthens the skeletal structure. This can be particularly beneficial for beginners who need to ensure their bodies can support increased muscle mass.

Deca Durabolin may also increase hunger. This can be beneficial for bodybuilding newbies who find it difficult to maintain the high-calorie intake that's so important while bulking.

Deca Durabolin Benefits

Some of the most notable Deca Durabolin benefits are:

  • Improvements in physical stamina

  • Faster post-workout recovery rates

  • Enhanced muscle development

  • Improvements in bone mineral density

Deca Durabolin Side Effects

Deca Durabolin usage has a variety of negative aspects, one of which is exclusive to men.

Additional side effects of Deca Durabolin may include:

  • Gastrointestinal problems

  • High cholesterol

  • Enlarged prostate gland

  • Shrunken testicles

  • Liver damage

  • Heart attacks/strokes

As with Dianabol, Deca Durabolin suppresses natural testosterone production. That means a PCT is necessary after every Deca Durabolin cycle.

Deca Durabolin Dosage and Cycle

Two hundred milligrams per week is a popular dose among beginners. It's delivered to the body via intramuscular injection.

During the first week, beginners split the dose into two (100 mg) injections, with a few days between them. From the second week onward, it's more common to use one 200 mg injection per week.

Deca Durabolin beginner cycles typically last for 12 weeks.

With the oral steroid version, the pills are taken daily, over a cycle of at least 8 weeks.

Testosterone Enanthate (Best for Natural Testosterone Levels)

Testosterone Enanthate

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Testosterone Enanthate is an injectable steroid that's FDA-approved for treating men with hypogonadism (low testosterone). For obvious reasons, athletes often obtain it illegally to use for bodybuilding and sports.

Testosterone Enanthate is a form of Exogenous (synthetic) testosterone that was the first anabolic steroid to become banned from use in professional sports.

Although this option is not as potent as most alternative anabolic steroids, it's recommended for beginners due to its straightforward nature and the body's familiarity with the hormone.

Generally considered more beginner-friendly than Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate has a slow release into the body. This allows for less frequent injections, which can be a more convenient and less overwhelming approach for beginners. It promotes anabolic effects that are essential for muscle growth, strength gains, and overall body composition improvements.

The predictability of Testosterone Enanthate is one of its main advantages. Beginners can anticipate steady, incremental gains in muscle mass without the rapid and sometimes overwhelming onset associated with more potent anabolic steroids. This gradual increase allows new users to adjust to changes in their physique and strength levels more comfortably.

Another benefit is its versatility. Testosterone Enanthate is a good choice for both bulking and cutting phases. This versatility is a good match for beginners still learning how their bodies react to different training phases, diet adjustments, and anabolic agents.

Testosterone Enanthate Benefits

This popular bodybuilding steroid offers beginners the following benefits:

  • Improvements in stamina and endurance

  • Increases in muscle and strength gains

  • Improved ability to burn fat

  • Enhanced bone mineral density

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

Although Test Enanthate has FDA approval for treating certain medical conditions, the doses required for bodybuilding are much higher than the manufacturer's recommendation. By misusing the steroid in this way, athletes leave themselves open to a variety of side effects.

Side effects of Testosterone Enanthate injections may include:

  • Acne

  • Oily skin

  • Nausea

  • Hair loss

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Mood swings

  • Gynecomastia

  • Enlarged prostate gland

  • Liver damage

  • Heart attack/stroke

As with the previous options, this steroid poses a threat of virilization in women and requires a PCT.

Testosterone Cycle and Dosage

People who are new to steroids often begin with doses of 300 mg to 500 mg per week. The lower the dose is safer. Men who receive this steroid for testosterone replacement therapy only take 400 mg per month!

As with Deca Durabolin, beginners using Testosterone Enanthate for the first time generally follow a 12-week steroid cycle

Winstrol (Best for Cutting and Burning Fat)


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Winstrol is a popular anabolic steroid that's a sterling choice for beginners embarking on their first cutting cycle. Its appeal lies in its ability to promote lean muscle retention and strength maintenance while helping to reduce body fat during periods of calorie restriction.

One of the main reasons Winstrol is a favorite for cutting is its inability to aromatize into estrogen. This means it typically doesn't cause water retention or gynecomastia, both common concerns during cutting cycles.

The lack of water retention also makes Winstrol an excellent option for those looking to achieve a dry, vascular look without the bulk associated with some other steroids.

For beginners, Winstrol presents a user-friendly profile with its oral form, avoiding the need for injections, which can be daunting to new users. Additionally, Winstrol's relatively mild androgenic nature reduces the risk of severe androgenic side effects, such as hair loss and acne, which are more common with stronger compounds.

Although Winstrol can be less taxing on the body than many other steroids, beginners need to be aware that it can still have adverse effects, particularly relating to cholesterol levels and liver health.

Winstrol Benefits

Here are some of the key benefits obtainable during a Winstrol steroid cycle.

  • Preserves lean muscle mass

  • Enhances muscle definition and vascularity

  • Enhances athletic performance

  • Supports rapid fat loss

Winstrol Side Effects

The side effects of Winstrol may include the following:

  • Insomnia

  • Oily skin

  • Acne

  • Headaches

  • Low libido

  • Nausea/vomiting

  • Blotchy skin

  • Liver damage

Winstrol also poses a risk of virilization in women and, because it suppresses natural testosterone production, Winstrol's use also entails a need for PCT.

Winstrol Dosage and Cycle

Beginners who use this steroid need to be comfortable around needles because the typical start-out dose is one 50 mg injection per day, with a cycle length of 4 to 6 weeks.

What to Expect from a First Steroid Cycle

Embarking on your first anabolic steroid cycle is a significant decision and one that can bring about noticeable changes in your body and performance. As a beginner, it is essential to have realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the potential benefits and risks.

During the initial cycle, users may experience rapid increases in muscle size and strength, thanks to the anabolic properties of steroids that enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle tissues.

It's not uncommon to see changes within the first few weeks. However, the response to steroids can vary from person to person. Some athletes may have better diets and lifestyle habits. They may also have superior workout routines that give them an extra edge.

There are also those who have genetic advantages that make them more naturally prone to develop superior physiques.

Nevertheless, the muscle gains attainable during a steroid cycle are always superior to the gains attainable without their anabolic intervention.

Beginners Guide to Steroids - How Do They Work?

Anabolic steroids are man made substances that mimic the effects of the male hormone testosterone. If you are thinking of using them, especially as a beginner, you need to understand how they work.

Here’s a simplified explanation of how anabolic steroids work:

Muscle Building

Testosterone is the key to muscle building. Steroids increase protein synthesis in the cells, resulting to the building of cellular tissue, especially in the muscles. They also reduce recovery time by blocking the effects of the stress hormone cortisol on the muscle tissue, so faster repair and growth.

Increased Red Blood Cell Count

Steroids can increase the production of red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout the body. More red blood cells means better endurance and performance due to better oxygen delivery to the tissues.

Nitrogen Retention

Muscles need nitrogen to grow and repair. Steroids help the body retain more nitrogen which helps in the muscle growth process.

Fat Burning

Not all steroids are fat burners but many can increase the metabolic rate, so the body uses fat for energy more efficiently.

How Steroids are Absorbed

Steroids can be taken orally, injected intramuscularly or applied through the skin in gels or creams. They travel through the bloodstream to the muscle tissue where they bind to an androgen receptor. The steroid-receptor complex then goes to the cell nucleus and binds to the DNA, initiates gene transcription and protein synthesis.

As a beginner you need to understand that although steroids can give you big muscle gains, they come with risks and side effects, many of which we have already mentioned in this article.

Why Anabolic Steroids are Controversial in Sports

Anabolic steroid use has been a hot topic in sports because of its performance enhancing effects and the ethical, legal and health issues it raises. Here’s why it’s at the center of the ongoing debate:

  • Unfair Advantage: Steroids can give athletes muscle strength, endurance and recovery advantages that can’t be achieved through natural training and diet alone. This defeats the principle of fair play giving users an edge over those who choose to stay natural.

  • Health Risks: Anabolic steroid use can cause a wide range of health problems including liver damage, cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances and psychiatric disorders. Non-medical use for performance enhancement can lead to anabolic steroid cycles and dosages that can lead to long term health problems.

  • Negative Influence: Professional athletes are role models. Their use of steroids can encourage aspiring athletes and the general public to use these substances. This can perpetuate a cycle of use and abuse that can lead to widespread health problems.

  • Legality: In many countries anabolic steroids are controlled substances and non-prescribed use, possession or distribution is illegal. Athletes caught using or distributing steroids can face legal consequences including fines and imprisonment.

  • Doping Violations: Most sports organizations have strict anti-doping rules. Athletes found to be using anabolic steroids can face penalties such as disqualification, stripping of titles, ban from competition and damage to their reputation and career.

  • Integrity of Sports: It taints the competition when illegal anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs enter the picture. Steroid use raises questions about the authenticity of athletic achievements and the true limits of human performance.

The controversy surrounding illegal steroids is not just about the immediate gains. It’s also about the ripple effect on sportsmanship, youth sports, health standards, legal systems and the integrity of sports as a whole.

Nutrition and Training: How to Maximize Gains with Steroids

Nutrition and training is key to maximizing gains during a beginner steroid cycle. Steroids can grow muscle and enhance performance but they work in synergy with diet and exercise to enhance the body’s natural growth.

Nutrition: How to Grow Muscle and Recover with Diet

When using steroids your body can synthesize protein better, so you need to increase your intake of quality protein to support muscle repair and growth. Aim for a balanced diet with lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Protein sources like chicken, fish, eggs and plant based options should be staples, along with carbohydrates like brown rice, sweet potatoes and whole grains to provide sustained energy. Healthy fats from avocados, nuts and olive oil will support hormone production which is critical when using steroids.

Hydration: The Foundation of Performance

Steroids can cause muscle pumps and sweating so you need to stay hydrated. Adequate water intake will help in nutrient transport, digestion and overall bodily functions.

Training: How to Leverage the Gains

With steroids increasing your strength and recovery you can train harder. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench presses to work multiple muscle groups and get overall strength gains.

But don’t overtrain; although steroids help in recovery, muscles still need time to repair. Rest days and adequate sleep are crucial part of a good training program.

Consistency is King

Remember steroids are not magic pills; they need consistency in training and nutrition. By following a disciplined fitness and dietary plan beginners can maximize their steroid gains safely and effectively.

Best Steroid Cycle for Beginners: Conclusion

The promise of fast muscle gains can be tempting for beginners as can the desire to look lean and ripped. But you need to approach it with caution and consider the risks.

The best steroids for beginners are those that are effective and mild. But without the right nutrition, training program and post cycle therapy even the “safest” steroids can be risky.

Anyone starting their first steroid cycle should educate themselves, plan thoroughly and consider the legal and health implications rather than just jumping in. Ultimately the foundation of any great physique is not the substances used; it’s the discipline in training and healthy living.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.




