
Biden's Absence Will Equate To A 'Standing Ovation' For Putin, Says Ukraine's Zelenskyy Ahead Of Peace Summit

Ahead of the Ukraine Peace Summit 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged US President Joe Biden to attend the peace talks in Switzerland. The peace talks, which Russia will not attend, are scheduled for June 15 to 16.

Biden's Absence Will Equate To A 'Standing Ovation' For Putin, Says Ukraine's Zelenskyy Ahead Of Peace Summit Photo: AP

Ahead of the Ukraine Peace Summit 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged US President Joe Biden to attend the peace talks in Switzerland. As per Zelenskyy, Biden's absence from the peace summit would equate to giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a standing ovation.

During a visit to Brussels, the Ukrainian leader stated that Biden's absence will be equal to "personally applauding" Putin as the war rages on.

"If he is not present, it will be just like applauding Putin: personally applauding and doing so standing. I believe that the Peace Summit needs President Biden, and other leaders who are looking at the US response also need him," stated the Ukrainian leader.

However, as the date of the peace summit nears, Joe Biden is yet to confirm his presence at the peace talks

President Zelenskyy also urged other world leaders - such as Chinese President Xi Jinping - to attend the peace summit. He added that attending or skipping the summit will be a "choice between wanting peace for Ukraine or war".

"If you want peace, you will be there and you will speak, even if you don't agree with something," stated Zelenskyy adding that the countries who are "satisfied with war", will go to "the mob that Russia wants to organize".

Despite Putin stating he is ready for the peace talks, Zelenskyy has stated ruled out Moscow's participation in the peace summit set for mid-June.

"Putin is very scared of the peace summit. He has been trying to thwart this summit and continues to do so," stated the Ukrainian leader, adding that the Kremlin is "doing everything" for the "further expansion of the war."

The Ukraine peace summit is scheduled to be held in Lucerne, Switzerland on June 15 and 16. As per the Swiss Government, a total of 160 delegations have been invited and Russia has declined to attend. Zelenskyy has added that of the 160 delegations, 80 countries have confirmed to send their diplomats and leaders.