United States

Miss USA And Miss Teen USA Resign Just Days Apart. What's Happening?

The Miss USA organization faces scrutiny after Miss USA 2023 Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava resigned due to alleged mismanagement and a toxic work environment.

@noeliavoigt on Instagram
Miss USA 2023 Noelia Voigt Photo: @noeliavoigt on Instagram

The Miss USA organization, responsible for overseeing both the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants, is facing intense scrutiny following the shocking resignations of two titleholders, Miss USA 2023 Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava. Their departures, occurring within days of each other, have exposed a web of allegations ranging from mismanagement to hostile work conditions within the organization.

Voigt's resignation, attributed to mental health concerns, and Srivastava's statement indicating a misalignment of personal values with the organization, have cast a spotlight on the inner workings of the Miss USA organization. However, both former titleholders have been unable to elaborate on the specific reasons for their resignations due to contractual constraints, leaving many questions unanswered.

In a letter addressed to the Miss USA organization and obtained by CNN, Voigt outlined a litany of grievances, painting a troubling picture of her tenure as Miss USA. She described a toxic work environment perpetuated by CEO Laylah Rose, alleging instances of bullying, harassment, and slander. Voigt's letter also highlighted failures in the organization's obligations, including the provision of promised accommodations and support. She added that she is now in treatment for anxiety and that she’s experienced “heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair, and more.”

Voigt's allegations were punctuated by the statement: "I am silenced," a cryptic message hidden within her letter. While she hasn't publicly addressed the speculation surrounding this message, it underscores the constraints she faces under her contract.

"The well-being of our titleholders is a top priority, and we understand her need to prioritize herself at this time," the Miss USA pageant stated in response to Voigt's resignation. However, the organization has remained silent on the broader issues raised by Voigt's letter, prompting calls for transparency and accountability.

Denise White, a PR representative for both Voigt and Srivastava, revealed the existence of "ironclad" non-disclosure agreements in their contracts, preventing them from publicly discussing their experiences. "What I've witnessed and seen is harassment, a toxic work environment, and bullying," White said, highlighting the challenges faced by the former titleholders.

Adding to the controversy, reports of high turnover and dissatisfaction among staff members have further tarnished the Miss USA organization's reputation. Former employees have come forward with accounts of unpaid work, lack of proper guidance, and an oppressive management style under Rose's leadership.

In response to the upheaval, Savannah Gankiewicz, the first runner-up in the 2023 Miss USA pageant, has been appointed as the new Miss USA 2023. "Her dedication to empowering women through self-love and confidence is inspiring," Rose said in a statement, expressing hope for a new chapter under Gankiewicz's leadership.

However, doubts linger regarding the underlying issues that precipitated the resignations of Voigt and Srivastava. "No woman has ever resigned as Miss USA or as Miss Teen USA, and she's lost both of them in 48 hours," Voigt's pageant coach, Thom Brodeur, remarked, highlighting the unprecedented nature of the resignations.




