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You Can Buy A Vintage House In This Italian Township For Just €3; Here’s How

Several Italian towns are selling homes for as cheap as €1 each. The latest sale in Sicily is offering homes for just €3. The town hall has successfully sold 250 homes in past few years.

Sambuca di Sicilia Photo: Pinterest

Buying a charming house in the Italian countryside has become quite feasible for the past few years. Several towns across Italy, such as Castropignano and Sant’Elia a Pianisi, have been selling homes for as little as €1. The trend continues to thrive, with Sambuca di Sicilia, a small commune near the eastern tip of Sicily, now offering another batch of about 12 homes for just €3 each.

These homes are owned by the town hall, which took possession after residents fled following an earthquake in 1969, leaving them vacant. The initiative has been highly successful, with the sale of 250 homes reportedly bringing €20 million to the local economy through new B&Bs, shops, and contracts with architects, builders, surveyors, and interior designers. The town hall is now aiming to attract even more buyers.

“The timing [of the sale announcement] is perfect,” newly elected mayor Giuseppe Cacioppo said. “Tourists and interested buyers currently traveling to Italy, and those planning a trip in spring and summer, can come take a look.”

The homes are sold through an auction process, meaning potential buyers will need to compete with other bidders. Participants must also pay a €5,000 deposit guarantee, which is refundable if their bid is unsuccessful. Based on previous sales, the final prices of these homes typically range between €5,000 and €10,000.

Representative image Photo: Pinterest

Located in the town's old Saracen district, the properties offer multiple options including single bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom houses. Some homes have picturesque features like iron-wrought balconies overlooking cobbled lanes, while others have courtyards adorned with lemon trees and old-fashioned tiles.

However, the properties require significant renovations, which must be completed within three years of purchase. The cost of refurbishing these homes can range from €30,000 to €200,000.

For those interested in a home renovation project in the Sicilian hills and willing to invest some money, photos and descriptions of the homes, along with application forms, are available on the town hall's website.




