Making A Difference

Teenage Girl Suspected Of Masterminding Blue Whale Suicide Game Arrested In Russia

The unnamed Russian teenager allegedly issued threats to her victims to murder them or their family members if they failed to obey orders.

Teenage Girl Suspected Of Masterminding Blue Whale Suicide Game Arrested In Russia

A 17-year-old girl has been arrested on suspicion of masterminding the Blue Whale suicide game that appears to goad vulnerable teens into killing themselves.

According to a Daily Mail report, the teenager is accused of being behind the sick craze who encouraged dozens of vulnerable children to take their own lives. Primary investigations show the girl used to interact individually with the members who registered themselves to the ‘Blue Whale’ game site. She used to send tasks to the members and had incited many to commit suicide.

“The female ‘death group administrator’ played the game originally, but did not end up taking her life, instead she chose to become an ‘admin’ on the deadly site, to help others to commit the fatal act,” reported Daily Mail quoting the Russian state investigators. "She used to assign tasks to the members and give them 50-days time to complete them,” he added.

Cops conducted a raid at the teen’s house which led them to uncover chilling drawings and a portrait of the founder of the challenge, 22-year-old Philipp Budeikin. He was jailed for three years and four months earlier this year after a Russian court convicted him for being the creator of the deadliest game that took several lives worldwide.

During raids, officers also recovered a notepad from the woman’s house where she had listed ‘weak points’ to target each vulnerable teen she was speaking to in order to ‘manipulate’ them.

The 'Blue Whale challenge' is a social media group where administrators reportedly encourage children to undertake a series of tasks over 50 days. They include watching horror films all day, waking up at 4:20am, contemplating death and self-harming by carving the shape of a blue whale into their arms. Their final 'task' is to take their own life.

However, the Russian police have said that they are investigating into the matter.




