A Crying Shame

Strangely, though, Cronje's good cry came shortly after he had jokingly told the King Commission that his wife would cut off his "other testicle" if she found one more dollar in their house. This-and other similar light-hearted exchanges between Cronje and Judge King-sparked off laughter at the Centre for the Book where the hearings are being held. But it was to be followed by an opening of the floodgates after Cronje was excused from the witness stand. While many understood, even empathised with, Cronje's breakdown, no one could explain why Marlon Aronstam, who followed directly after Cronje, also burst into tears. No sooner had the burly bookmaker taken to the stand when his tear-ducts began working overtime, forcing an early adjournment to the commission's deliberations. Once the free-talking Aronstam regained composure, he testified that Cronje had told him that he was prepared to throw matches so that they could both make more money from cricket-only an hour after the two had met! Aronstam's deposition could yet prove to be one of the most damning against Hansie Cronje.





