A Toast To The Spirit Of The Year Past
India Today

What, if anything, has Outlook achieved? Well, the magazine has come out on time each week and we've tried, without being smug or solemn or sanctimonious, to establish an independent identity. If you haven't grasped what that is, then the failure is ours. However, from the bagful of mail deposited on my table daily I sense that readers are getting more than a flavour of our combined labours. The alert reader—and which Outlook reader isn't—must have noticed that I am deliberately avoiding setting down in these columns the Outlook credo, or versions thereof, because statements of belief, especially when they come from the august Editor, can be extremely tiresome if not actually fraudulent. Let me just say that all of us on the staff of this journal are having a (serious) ball putting together this weekly and I hope we are able to communicate some of that enthusiasm and zest to you.
