BJP's Albatross

Now, the parivar has turned into an albatross around the BJP's neck. The three wings are constantly embarrassing and humiliating the Vajpayee-led coalition to an extent which makes governance impossible. From the insurance bill to Vande Mataram to attacks on Christians, the PM and even 'Sardar' Advani look on as helpless spectators. Since the RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal have combined hands against the agenda of their own government, Vajpayee and his team appear at once incompetent and silly.

If the BJP is to become the natural party of governance, its relationship with the Sangh parivar has to be re-examined and redefined. Somehow the party has to free itself from the chains of the parivar and assume at least a quasi-independent existence, one which is not necessarily hostile, but one which allows the BJP to pursue policies which the parivar may disapprove of. Vajpayee is making feeble efforts in that direction but he is too marginal a figure in the parivar. What he needs is the support of Advani and others which, alas, appears to be at best ambiguous. The verdict at the moment must be: the BJP is effective as an opposition but totally ineffective when in power.
