Di, Dodi And He

What was the point of going public with all this now? If there's any truth here at all, the Hasnat-Diana affair sounds like one of those somethings that was barely expressed and never realised. There also was something odd over going to town now with a story that wasn't. Like sticking a Pakistani flag over a princess's grave. As Imran Khan says it, Diana wanted him to get Dr Hasnat Khan to say yes to marrying her. Love, then, of the "tell him, tell him" variety. But then what was she doing with the Dodi fellow? Ah, just trying to make the doctor jealous. A story that wouldn't make it past the reception at the Mills & Boon offices.

Hear Imran Khan deciding to convince the Pakistani doctor that this was the wife for him: "I had it in my mind that I was going to talk to him. At least to find out what his reasons were, perhaps there was some reason she wasn't aware of. Having married someone from outside my culture, I could have been able to help, or even offer some advice." Imran Khan might have been a match-winner, but he'd never make it as a match-maker. But even if it was true that Diana really loved Dr Hasnat Khan, it might have been timely for Imran to have pointed out that getting into a bikini and posing with another man is not the best way to win over a potential mother-in-law in Pakistan. As Imran sees it, while she was posing with Dodi, she was telling her potential in-laws in Pakistan not to worry. She was just with another man, that's all. Imran now says that Diana told Hasnat that he should give it time and it would work. And meanwhile, one can look at the pictures with Dodi.





