
The Vajpayee-led coalition has been quick to take full and complete credit for India Shining 2003, a benediction which is largely responsible for the BJP junking mandir in favour of mammon. Who would have thought six months ago that the principal election slogan of the BJP would be Development? Doubtless, the projection of the NDA as a stable and sound formation dawning in a brave, new world is highly suspect, but I believe the Congress would have behaved identically if it was in power. The truth is that India Shining comes to us courtesy Mr Monsoon. Even one-handed economists agree that the rain gods will add 1.5 to 2.5 per cent to the growth rate. Thus, the much-touted 7 or 7.5 per cent figure enjoys the monsoon advantage. Whatever great strides the Indian economy has made, it is still hostage to rainfall. Of course, the BJP might claim that a good monsoon, courtesy its close links with Bhagwan Ram, will only fall when their party rules the country and not during the reign of the person with "foreign origin".

Nevertheless, if I was a saffronite, I’d celebrate with fingers crossed. The air of defeat at 10 Janpath may not be permanent, while the air of triumphalism in the BJP, with Pramod Mahajan being presented as a combination of Kautilya and Einstein, could lead to complacency. Remember, it is these very same miracle managers who lost UP, Himachal and Punjab in quick succession. Besides, we should not forget the BJP’s famous capacity for self-destruction. So, if I was Sonia, on December 31 I would drink half a glass of red wine and say a silent Hail Mary.
