Half-Breed Bodhi

They call this part of the world ‘Indochina’ and it’s an apt description. The great civilisations of India and China loom large across this region, nowhere more than in Thailand. This country escaped the depredations of European colonialism, Chinese and Soviet communism and, also, US-led wars against the enemy of the day—then resident in Moscow, not Baghdad. Thai culture fuses Hinduism and Buddhism, monarchy and a market economy, a swadeshi-like pride and modernism. Bangkok sits at the centre of this success, a gleaming Asian mega-city full of soaring office towers and traffic jams. It’s the pride of many Thais for it shows what their country and economy is capable of. And it’s also a magnet for tourists from all over the world. Nearly 9 million people came to Thailand last year, including a growing number from India. Sun, sand and shopping are all on offer here. So are cheap flights. The next time you’re speaking to someone from Indian Airlines or Jet, ask them why it’s cheaper to fly Delhi-Bangkok than Delhi-Goa. Better still, ask the civil aviation or tourism minister why India doesn’t pay more attention to the successes of Thailand in attracting visitors, building public transport systems (the best in Asia), hygiene, economics and so on. His answers will be instructive. Atlhough he may not be available. He may be on the next flight to Bangkok.
