Mind The Finger

Recently, he told an innocent TV babe that the prime minister can strike any number of dirty deals, but it is "we (the Communists) who have to give an answer to the people." Better that this government falls, he continued, than get tainted with the charge of aiding and abetting Laloo Prasad Yadav. In the present scenario, this is such a silly and destructive position that I sometimes feel the best allies of the BJP in the country are our spotless Leftists, because an election in the next few months can only result in the certain coronation of A.B. Vajpayee. The comrades, of course, have nothing to lose if the nation goes to the polls—they hardly have a stake outside Kerala and Bengal. Give or take (more likely give) five seats, their representation in the Lok Sabha will remain unchanged.

Incidentally, on the subject of corruption, comrade Surjeet has not said much or anything on the Rs 2,600 crore—Rs 1,650 crore more than Laloo's perfidy—ledger scam which haunts Jyoti Basu's government in Bengal.
