Ryot After Ryot

On the other hand, Krishna is doing his best to protect his pate. When the legislature session began last week, the follicle-challenged CM walked in with a fur cap. Wicked tongues started wagging. "Why wear a cap on top of a wig?" asked Vijaya Karnataka, the Kannada daily owned by a bjp MP. The state’s best-kept secret has become the object of some attention lately. When he went to perform pooja to the river Cauvery, the image-conscious CM refused to let anybody place the ‘Mysore peta’ (a traditional turban) on his head, afraid that rash handling might reveal his crowning glory. And a couple of weeks ago, police in Mysore had to keep an eagle eye on members of the farmers’ association. Reason: word had got around that angry ryots were planning to pull out Krishna’s wig and embarrass him before the TV cameras. So far, Krishna has let nothing ruffle him, but will he be able to do so even after the ‘Mother of all Battles of the Sons of the Soil’?





