The Great Gang-Up

The gang-up against Star has little to do with the shareholding or composition of the new companies it has floated. After all, those shouting themselves hoarse should examine how other "legitimate" companies are structured, perhaps even their own. They will find a few gaps between letter and spirit. No, the posse has not been organised to defend Company Law provisions or the rule of law. Instead, we are watching a well-orchestrated campaign to encircle and then finish off a new rival. I know a little about the ritual because in 1995 when Outlook tried to break into a monopoly situation, we had to shed blood, tears and sweat before we were able to compete freely and fairly in the marketplace—a forum where the Star vs The Rest spat ought to be fought. Regrettably, it is being fought in the I&B ministry.

Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch and Peter Mukherjea (the CEO of Star in India) should take the ganging-up as a tribute, an acknowledgement that their new channel is on the right track and is proving a serious threat to The Rest. If it wasn’t, they wouldn’t be making so much noise.
