
Farooq Abdullah Says Kashmir Situation Is 'Worse', Govt Must Talk To Pakistan And Find A Solution

“If the situation continues to remain the same people from every area of the Valley would be ready to give martyrdom”, he said.

Farooq Abdullah Says Kashmir Situation Is 'Worse', Govt Must Talk To Pakistan And Find A Solution

Former Chief Minister, Farooq Abdullah on Wednesday described present situation of Kashmir as “worst” and said if Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has some wisdom the party should leave the government.

“If the situation continues to remain the same people from every area of the Valley would be ready to give martyrdom”, Abdullah said while talking to reporters at the SKICC here.

Kashmir Valley observed complete strike today on the call of separatists. The separatists were planning to march to Shopian to address a rally to protest against killings of civilians and the militants by the armed forces. However, the police detained separatist leaders Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Geelani, Muhammad Yasin Malik and didn’t allow the march.

“If we have to get out from this situation, it is necessary to find a solution of Kashmir as soon as possible”, Dr Abdullah said. “It is necessary to have talks with Pakistan. If you don’t talk to Pakistan no solution will come up”, Abdullah said.

 He said that due to the present state of affairs in the country, people in Kashmir see their future dark. But at the same time, he said, Kashmiris have to think as Pakistan or independence is not their future. “We had an autonomy that was granted to us. That autonomy should be restored to us so that honour is restored”, Abdullah said.

“Just playing tricks with it (autonomy) will not help,” Abdullah said. “They have to get to the basic root (of the issue)”, he said adding that Azadi or Pakistan was not a way for Kashmiris. “Had these ideas been good for Kashmiris, I would have said long ago they are good. But they are not.”

“Four wars have taken place between India and Pakistan. Has anything changed”, he asked.  He said people should choose the road, which would save their lives.

About the PDP and BJP government having opposite stance on the issue of having talks with Pakistan, Abdullah said the PDP should have resigned from the government. “If they have any wisdom they should leave the government. But they will not as they are in love with the power and the chair.” “They say a lot but they do nothing. For four years they are saying that the talks will be initiated. I ask where those talks are. They have forgotten everything”, Abdullah said. He said the killings must in Kashmir.

Meanwhile, moderate Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Wednesday said Kashmir is no one’s integral part. “It only belongs to its people”, he said.

Mirwaiz, before being detained by the police, told reporters outside his residence that status quo on Kashmir is pushing educated youth to pick up arms and New Delhi was responsible for it. He said no amount of force will break the resolve of Kashmiri people to achieve their aim. Mirwaiz held pro mainstream political parties responsible for the current situation saying their lust for power made them repeatedly compromise with the interests of Kashmiris.

Senior separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani was barred from moving out from his house. The separatists had planned to march Shopian to offer condolences to the families of civilians and militants who were killed in the Sunday night operation. They were also planning to hold a rally in the district.