
Gauri Diary

Kavitha Lankesh pens an elegy for her sister Gauri, who was killed in cold blood on September 5

Gauri Diary

She raved, she ranted,

Many times she burst out

Uppercaste this...Brahmincal that

At the inhumanity of it all

At the injustice of it all

Wait a minute...

Is it the same woman

Who spoke soft words, and tenderly hugged

And embraced

Little kids—

The untouchables,

The Muslims,

The women,

The minorities,

The Maoists?

Few Rabids barked she is a bitch,

Some even called her a prostitute,

Just because she was single

And lived her life the way she wanted to

But hundreds called her sister,

Thousands called her mother,

A million are now saying...

“We are all Gauri.”

She blasted when someone threw a

Cigarette butt from the car window

Lest it would hurt a two-wheeler rider.

Her house is a garden

Where many a snake wandered

And she would wait patiently

For it to slither by

Not stopping , not harming , not killing it

Waiting patiently for it to pass and continue to live.

But finally a snake came which didn’t slither away,

A snake

On a two-wheeler

To put the fire out of Gauri

And silence her.

Silence Gauri?

Ha ha! What a joke!

She burst like sunflower seeds,

Scattered all over

In India

And across the seas...

Now the silence is chanting, echoing, “

We are all Gauri.”

(The writer is a Kannada film ­director, writer and lyricist. She is the younger sister of journalist Gauri ­Lankesh, who was killed in cold blood on September 5)