
Watch: Pakistani Bride Asks For Books Worth Rs 1 Lakh As 'Haq Meher'

It is also important to eliminate wrong customs from our society, said the Pakistani bride in the viral video

Watch: Pakistani Bride Asks For Books Worth Rs 1 Lakh As 'Haq Meher'

A Pakistani woman named Naila Shamal has asked for books worth rupees one lakh as part of her "Haq Mehr" (wedding gift), a norm in Muslim weddings for expensive items. 

"As you all know, I have demanded books worth Rs100,000 for Haq Mehr", said Shamal in the viral video, dressed in a bridal outfit. "One reason for this is that due to rising inflation in our country, we cannot afford expensive gifts. On the other hand, it is also important to eliminate wrong customs from our society. If I, as a writer, do not attach value to books then how can we expect the common man to do so", she added. 

Here's how people reacted to the video: 

The video shared by Mona Farooq on Twitter is being loved by netizens and has garnered over 120k views already and been retweeted over 1000 times.