
Editors Guild Of India Issues Statement On Alleged Sexual Harassment In Newsrooms

The statement from the Guild comes in wake of the #MeToo movement where various journalists across media organisations have been accused of sexual harassment by women journalists.

Editors Guild Of India Issues Statement On Alleged Sexual Harassment In Newsrooms

Amid allegations of sexual harassment on women journalists in newsrooms, the Editors Guild of India issued a statement on Tuesday saying media organisations should hold "unbiased inquiries" into all reported cases.

“The Editors Guild of India has noted with concern and dismay the incidence of alleged sexual harassment and assault on women journalists by their male colleagues. It unequivocally condemns all predatory conduct by such men. It is worse when the perpetrators also happen to be enjoying senior or supervisory positions in the profession.

The Guild also expresses its gratitude and solidarity towards women journalists who have displayed the courage to bring these critical issues in public debate,” the statement read.

The statement comes after a number of women journalists across the country as part of the #MeToo movement have come forward with stories of sexual harassment that they have had to face at workplace.