
Rajasthan CM Exhorts Young Generation To Connect With Ideals Of Mahatma Gandhi

Gehlot addressed a training session on the Gandhian philosophy organised by the state government's peace and non-violence department at the Birla Auditorium through video conference.

Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday called upon the young generation to connect with the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, saying his messages hold great importance in the prevailing tense atmosphere across the globe.

Gehlot addressed a training session on the Gandhian philosophy organised by the state government's peace and non-violence department at the Birla Auditorium through video conference.

He said the establishment of a peace and non-violence department was possible only by following his values and principles. 

"Moving forward on this path, we have to strengthen democracy and play an important role in the progress of the country," he said.

According to a statement, the chief minister said the trainees will help in the development of Rajasthan.

He said that mutual love, harmony and brotherhood can be maintained in society only through peace and non-violence. This is also the basic foundation of our culture.

He said the young generation should connect with the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. 

He said that there is a tense atmosphere in many countries of the world, but due to the spirit of Gandhiji enshrined in the Indian Constitution, India is still united and strong.

Gehlot said that for the first time in the country, the Department of Peace and Non-Violence was set up in Rajasthan to take the messages of Mahatma Gandhi to every household. 

Rajasthan Assembly Speaker C P Joshi was present at the gathering. Training will be given to people from Jodhpur, Jaipur and Ajmer divisions on Wednesday.

-With PTI Input