
Bull's Eye

Cabinet minister Ram Jethmalani said that India should recognise Taiwan's separateidentity because it had functioned as an independent nation for ...

Bull's Eye

Cabinet minister Ram Jethmalani said that India should recognise Taiwan's separateidentity because it had functioned as an independent nation for half-a-century.

Beijing's 'People's Daily' lashed out at Jethmalani for meddling in China's internalaffairs. China's official news agency, Xinhua, grimly recalled how Pandit Nehru before1962 had grabbed 92,000 sq km of Chinese territory.

According to China, even though Taiwan is quite separate it is part of China. Accordingto India, even though Jethmalani is part of the government he is quite separate.

Foreign minister Jaswant Singh said India's policy was unchanged. It wanted peace withChina on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence. Carry on buddy, Americaencouraged Mr Jaswant Singh.

But if India really wants peace with China the government must continue with its toughposture. I suggest the following. We must ignore Chinese pressures and refuse to arrestJethmalani. We should simply sack him from the cabinet. Let China be satisfied with that.We should strongly refute China's old claim that Nehru was a running dog of Britishimperialism. We should sternly point out to the Chinese that Nehru annexed 92,000 sq km ofChinese territory only because he was misled by the imperialists. Regarding his pledge tothe nation taken with all MPs, including our present prime minister, that India would nottalk with China until every inch of territory lost in the '62 war was reclaimed, amendshave already been made.

Indira Gandhi showed her moral courage in disowning her father's pledge by resumingdiplomatic relations with China in 1976. She followed the lead given by that great prophetof peace, Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was given the Nobel peace prize for ending the napalmbombing of Vietnamese children after escalating it. By establishing America's relationswith China, Kissinger laid the path for Mrs Gandhi.

Most important, the government must never compromise on its territorial disputes withChina. As a civilised law-abiding nation we must of course withdraw from the Chineseterritory illegally occupied by us. But we must insist on preconditions.

While handing over Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim to China, India should firmly andbluntly tell China that people living in the area would have the choice to migrate toIndia if they wished. Only a tough posture would ensure lasting peace between China andIndia.
Provided of course if anything remained of India by then.

Tell Bangladeshis, Now, now!
For Pakistan it's Bow-wow!
For USA a humble bow,
To China we kow-tow!
