
Bull's Eye

Other day son telling, Daddy, after rss mouthpiss support one hundred per cent Balasahab regard cricket, I return complimentary and becoming swadeshi. ...

Bull's Eye

Other day son telling, Daddy, after rss mouthpiss support one hundred per cent Balasahab regard cricket, I return complimentary and becoming swadeshi. Therefore I berethinking!

Son, your brain not having power for think, how it generate extra megawatt forrethink?

But fellow not notice sharp witty-sum and continue: Daddy supposing parent foreign firm becoming partner with Indian firm. Supposing furthermore all product of both partnerhaving fully Indian name. Lo and behold then parent foreign firm even making India headquarter! Last but not list parent foreign firm taking fully Indian name of partner.That firm then be foreign or swadeshi?

Son, for answer you not needing Amartya Sen. Even child knowing that foreign firm with Indian partner, Indian headquarter, Indian product, and Indian name be pure swadeshi!Fellow's face lighting like weight-lifting from shoulder. That what I thinking, Daddy. It mean not only Rahul and Priyanka but even Sonia be pure swadeshi!

Toba! I thought you refer Maruti or Indica, son! Then quick as jiffy my mind start running top speed like PT Usha. But if Soniaji swadeshi why for you happy? Explainimmediate, I asking.

Daddy if Indira be Durga why not Sonia becoming same to same? At least she not total nakamma like Atal!

You giving me mega shock, son! What happen to parivar propaganda of Sonia being Christian thereby foreign agent? What be wrong with Atal after sixty year in khaki shortexcept poor fellow not opening eye during speech because fully frighten of Jaya and Mamata?

Atal more foreign than Sonia, Daddy! He supporting Bill Insurance, Bill Patent even Bill Clinton which making him worse than ISI. Other hand Sonia recognise Hindu religionfor being mother of secular and moreover humbly entering Tirupati temple!

Soniaji be great humanity like Panditji, Indiraji and Rajivji son but she liking Hindu of Lord Venkateshvara brand not Balasahab or Ashok Singhal brand!

What difference Daddy? Balasahab be daddy of modern Hindu same to same like Venkateshvara daddy of ancient Hindu!

Son, you really thinking possible Soniaji sweeping poll with RSS support? You really dreaming RSS able dump bjp and making Hindu rashtra with Soniaji? Total poppycock, son!
Why for Daddy?
Reason plain like pimple on nose, son. If RSS be supporting Soniaji whole nation start supporting Atalji...!

Each stately dome, ji,
In Soniaji's Rome, ji,
Is our own home, ji,
Om, Hari Om, ji!
