
Bull's Eye

A controversy rages over a children's TV serial, Shaktimaan, created by MukeshKhanna. I confess I haven't seen it. Shak-timaan is an Indian version ...

Bull's Eye

A controversy rages over a children's TV serial, Shaktimaan, created by MukeshKhanna. I confess I haven't seen it. Shak-timaan is an Indian version of Superman. Itis alleged that children confuse reel life with real life. They deliberately invitemisadventure, sure that Shaktimaan will rescue them. But Mukesh Khanna says that mostcases reported are spurious.

The effect of TV on young minds deserves study. It's odd that Shaktimaan iscontroversial when foreign children's films which are fantasised and violent are not.But without taking sides I would like to draw Mr Khanna's attention to someunreported cases of young minds harmed by Shaktimaan.

Lal, mental age six, wanted to be like Sardar Patel. He felt very strong.He believed Shaktimaan was always there to help him. Lal proudly flexed his muscles andyelled, "I'll finish ISI, I'll finish Dawood, I'll expose RomeshSharma, I'll bring out a White Paper!" He couldn't finish anyone oranything, of course. There was no Shaktimaan to help him. Now a depressed Lal sulks in hisroom.

Madan Lal, mental age two, was obviously influenced by Shaktimaan. Madhican't stand on his feet. Most of the time he crawls with his mouth open. He can'tyet speak intelligibly. He can say, "Goo! Baa! Wahwahwah." Madhi couldn'tfly or leap like Shaktimaan. So he became a contortionist. He tried to swallow his foot.As a result his foot got stuck in his mouth. Now he is waiting for Shaktimaan to rescuehim.

Yashwant, mental age four, is another young mind led astray by Shaktimaan.Yash squandered all his pocket money. Being sure that Shaktimaan would help him, Yashboasted to one and all: "Don't worry, I'll get my money back by September,if not September then by October!" Nothing of the sort happened. And Shaktimaan nevercame. Last week Yash stood in the House and desperately said, "I'm sure I'llfind my money somewhere in the market!" Poor chap still believes that Shaktimaan willhelp him find it.

Pramod has a mental age of three and a half. He always believed Shaktimaan wouldprotect him. So he became very arrogant. He switched the TV on and off not caring forothers watching. This enraged an old Turk in the House. He spanked Pramod. Poor Pramod isstill praying for Shaktimaan to come and save him.

It's not a bird, it's not a plane,
It's mighty Superman!
He can halt a herd, halt a train,
He can't halt Super-fan!
