
Bull's Eye

Ever since Shekhar Kapur made it big in Hollywood, I've had a dream. Produce ablockbuster which would bowl over America. I got busy and wrote the ...

Bull's Eye

Ever since Shekhar Kapur made it big in Hollywood, I've had a dream. Produce ablockbuster which would bowl over America. I got busy and wrote the script.

I met a leading film producer. "What kind of theme do you have in mind?" heasked.

"A sensational theme," I said. "Full of sex, politics, espionage andscandal!"

He looked interested. "Let's have the plot."

"It is about a US President. A handsome guy with a roving eye. Foreign powersdecide to subvert him. They plant an attractive young intern in the White House. Shecatches his eye. He is hooked. They have oral sex in his private office."
"Sounds promising," he said.

"The young woman tells everything to a friend who records her conversation. Fromher affair with the President the girl's dress has semen stains. She carefully preservesthat dress as evidence. At the same time, she's having an affair with another guy whomakes her pregnant. She has an abortion. She must continue her affair with the President,you see. She often talks to him on the phone. The President is worried about their phonesbeing bugged. But it is too late. Israel's intelligence agency, Mossad, already has thetapes!"

"Carry on," he said.

"The President does strange things. He bombs Iraq without reason. He wants torelease an imprisoned Israeli spy. But the cia stops him. Meanwhile, China's pla givesillegal election funds to the President's party. American sleuths unearth Chinese spiesstealing American nuclear secrets..."

He yawned. "What's the point of the story?"

"I'm coming to it," I said hurriedly. "The President overridesPentagon and passes nuclear technology to China. At the same time he tries to bury a probeagainst spies working for China..."

He shouted, "Does the story have a point?"

"Don't you get it?" I said. "It's that even the world's most powerfulman can be blackmailed into helpless submission!"
He threw back his head and roared with laughter. "No American would sit through thisimpossible fantasy!" He saw my crestfallen face and took pity. "Look, why notrewrite the script? Forget all that spy stuff. Make it a simple romance between avulnerable teenager and a sexy President!"

"I can't do that," I said sadly. "Somebody else has already writtenthat script!"

My actions may look cheap, she said,
But my love was deep, she said,
Let him lose his sleep, she said,
I won millions to keep, she said.
