
Bull's Eye

Bharat read the newspaper as he sipped his morning tea. With a warm glow inside, heread about the brave army jawans in Kargil. Their young faces ...

Bull's Eye

Bharat read the newspaper as he sipped his morning tea. With a warm glow inside, heread about the brave army jawans in Kargil. Their young faces flashed through his mindfrom last night's TV programme. His daughter interrupted his reverie. "Daddy, ourcollege is raising money for war widows. I've put in all my savings. But it's so little!Can't you chip in?"

"Open the wallet in the inside pocket of my jacket," Bharat said. "TakeRs 500."
"Ooh, thanks Daddy," his daughter squealed and rushed out.

Bharat gobbled his breakfast wanting to beat the rush-hour crowd. His wife poured hissecond cup of tea and murmured, "Our kitty club wants to make a contribution to theArmy Welfare Fund, dear. I was wondering if you could help? It's a good cause, youknow."

"Of course it is," Bharat said impatiently. "Pass me my chequebook." His wife quickly brought his cheque book. Bharat dashed off a cheque for Rs5,000 in favour of the Army Central Welfare Fund. He rushed out to his waiting car.Stopping at a red light, he was approached by two schoolboys in uniform. They smiled andheld forward a box for donations to the Kargil fund. Bharat dug into his pocket and fishedout a crumpled fifty note. He threw it at the boys as the traffic lights changed. He gotout of the lift and hurried into his office. They were all gathered there.

"There you are, Bharat," his boss said. "We were just discussing ourcontribution for the war effort. We thought a day's salary from all the staff would be agood idea. How about it?"

"One day's salary?" Bharat exclaimed. "Have a heart, chief!

For the seniors, make it at least one week's salary!"

His boss rubbed his jaw as everyone murmured assent.

"Okay," his boss grinned. "A week's salary it is!" \

As Bharat dictated a memo, the phone rang. It was his chartered accountant."Thought you ought to know," he said. "There could be a Kargil Tax. Want meto make some adjustments? I can include more entertainment vouchers under expenses."

"What!" Bharat screamed into the phone. "Another tax? Do anything youwant! Just make sure we don't give one extra paisa to those thieving rascals!"

Make a dash
Help Kargil braves!
Save your cash
From political knaves!
