
Bull's Eye

At last we have a prime minister who has a high personal rating. People want to knowhow the Prime Minister's Office functions. An insider gave me ...

Bull's Eye

At last we have a prime minister who has a high personal rating. People want to knowhow the Prime Minister's Office functions. An insider gave me a blow-by-blow account. Ican't vouch for it being one hundred per cent accurate. But this, it seems, is whathappens on a typical working day.
The cabinet meets and takes note of the grim economic situation. "The government mustcut down on staff," the prime minister says. "Only that can save theeconomy." The cabinet okays the decision. It is decided that the PM should make apolicy statement. "The PM is addressing a business group tomorrow," the homeminister says. "Why not use that occasion?"
"I'll tell our media boys to prepare a good speech," PMO secretary BrajeshMishra tells the cabinet.
The PMO media gang is told to prepare a stirring speech by the PM advising governmentemployees about why government needs to reduce staff.
PMO media boss H.K. Dua tells PMO media aide Ashok Tandon, "Ashok, I need a draft ofthe speech."
PMO media aide Tandon tells PMO media aide Sudheendra Kulkarni, "Sudheendra, can youmake the format of the speech? Thanks."
PMO media aide Sudheendra Kulkarni tells PMO media aide Kanchan Gupta, "Kanchan, Ineed inputs to make the format. Be a good chap and help."
PMO media aide Kanchan Gupta gets together all the necessary facts making out a strongcase that unless government cuts down on staff the country will be bankrupt. He passesthem to media aide Kulkarni.
Media aide Kulkarni sifts the facts and arranges them in order. He passes the format ofthe speech warning that government must reduce staff to media aide Tandon.
Media aide Tandon studies the format and makes the draft of a moving speech about whygovernment will be compelled to cut down on staff and hands it to PMO media boss Dua.
PMO media boss Dua polishes the draft of the powerful speech arguing for a cut ingovernment staff and hands it to PMO boss Brajesh Mishra. Mishra reads the finished speechand gives it to the PM.
The great occasion arrives. The audience wildly cheers the PM. The PM tosses aside thespeech and decides to speak extempore. He starts by reciting a poem...

Get wise,
To economise,
Just downsize
The other guys!
